Chapter Thirty-Six: Home

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You'd have been enrolled in the general course, so would you have still somehow have met Shoto? Or even... Katsuki? Would you be dating someone else right now?

Touya had been hitting on you for years, and if Nanami had been telling the truth about him liking you... could you have been dating him instead? You'd never thought of anyone that way before. You hadn't even entertained the idea. You were promised to Shoto, after all.

What if you'd been single and Katsuki had kissed you? Would you be with him instead?

"I'm going for a walk." You quickly stood, startling Shoto.

"Wait, (y/n)," he jumped up, reaching for you... but you were already gone, disappearing into nothing as the void swallowed you up.

Shoto swore under his breath. Any chance he'd had at preventing your disappearance was gone.

It wasn't the first time you'd used the void as an escape. It was something you'd done often enough when you were younger, usually after an especially bad fight with your aunt. He'd been lucky if you'd returned after a few hours, but sometimes, it was days before you came back to reality.

All he could do was wait.


"Hi, Mom."

You crouched down in front of the well worn grave, touching the cool stone. It wasn't the first time you'd come here, looking for answers. Even in death, her presence was still calming.

The walk to get here had taken a long time, the sun having rose hours ago. The morning air nipped at the exposed skin of your arms. You cursed under your breath, frustrated that you'd forgotten to leave a sweater or coat here the last time.

You'd visited your mothers grave often, unbeknownst to your aunt. You'd taken to walking the long journey in the void, quite often on short notice. You'd gotten smarter about it though, over the years.

You'd learned to leave a change of clothes and a spare credit card in the void beside her grave. You aunt never brought you to visit here, so anytime you came yourself, you'd usually spend your day in the small town.

Tears began to stream down your face as you traced the wording on the grave. "Mom, I miss you so much." You sniffled, wiping away your own tears. "You'd know what to do. You always knew what to do."

You hadn't had much time with her, but in your first 5 years of life you'd learned a lot from your mother. She'd taught you about love, about how you should always follow your heart. If she were here now, she'd know what to say to make everything better.

If she were here now, you wouldn't have this issue in the first place. The tears came faster. Your heart hurt. It was true. If she hadn't died, you wouldn't have gone to live with your aunt. You wouldn't have been forced to do all the things you had been, and you definitely wouldn't have been forced to marry anyone.

You stood, wiping away your tears as you tried to compose yourself. You touched the top of her grave once more, saying a silent goodbye before you turned to leave.


You walked down quiet streets of the small town, looking through the windows of shops. You'd spent the first few years of your life in the town, and there was no doubt that you'd still be here if your mother was alive. You took note of a small clothing shop on the main street, making a mental not to stop and grab a sweater when it opened.

Chasing Reality (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader X Shoto Todoroki) UNFINISHED Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz