Tara-Rising The Federal Organization Part 3

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"Adam sent me to kill you, so that he could deal with your mission partner!" Tara said irately.

"Then I won' be going down without a fight." Christopher said irately.

Christopher kicks Tara in the stomach before she kicks back as she jumps onto the tabletop before shooting rapid fire bullets at him only for him to deflect all of the bullets with his sword only for him to clash head to head with Tara who converts her weapons into swords before she starts clashing head on with sparks flying between the two spies as Christopher kicks Tara in the stomach knocking her into the wall as she drops her weapons of choice before falling onto the floor.

"You aren't even trying to fight back Tara," Christopher said, "is it because you already know you're a failure in combat?"

"At least I'm not a coward who's too afraid to fight two people at one time!" Tara snapped angrily.

Christopher kicks Tara in the stomach before breaking a chair over her head knocking her onto the floor before she gets up slowly onto her feet and she starts walking over to her weapons on the floor before picking them back up off of the floor before charging toward Christopher before she starts clashing with both of her swords against Christopher's sword as he quickly disarms her of her first sword leaving it as a one on one fight between one sword each as Tara walks toward Christopher angrily.

"You've gotten stronger since the last time we had fought each other one on one." Tara said with an evil smile on her face.

Tara swings her remaining sword over her head at Christopher while he blocks the attack and sparks start flying between the two blades just before kicking at each other before Christopher disarms Tara easily with sparks flying between them while he finally successfully disarms her with ease as her sword is finally dropped onto the floor next to her other sword.

"You're weak against me in a fight so I definitely don't need to run away from you, Tara." Christopher said while walking away from Tara who falls onto her knees.

"I will never lose to the likes of you and as long as I am alive you will never get the peace that you think you deserve." Tara said as she quickly gets back up onto her feet and starts walking toward her swords on the floor before she picks them up off of the floor and walks toward Christopher with an evil smile on his face.

"Why aren't you fighting back against me you coward?!" Adam asked angrily as E is seen sliding on her side against the floor while wincing in pain.

"I will never stoop down to your level Adam," E started, "we may be deadly, but we assassins do keep it all to 100 all the fucking time."

E angrily kicks Adam in the stomach three times before slashing her weapon at him in sword form before kicking him in the chest five times knocking him onto the floor much to his anger as he gets back up onto his feet before unsheathes his weapon before slashing his sword wildly at E who kicks at the blade three times before E clashes with her weapon creating sparks in between the two swords while E push kicks Adam in the stomach knocking him onto the floor while he drops his sword on the floor next to him.

"I will never give up as long as I am alive to make you pay for what you had done to me." Adam warned.

"In that case I will forever make your life better with every step since I will be rather merciful if you leave willingly and never come back, Adam Rouge." E said calmly while showing no emotion at all.

"I don't need your sympathy, nor do I need your stupid charity as all I need is you reported dead!" Adam snapped angrily before picking up his sword off of the floor while charging angrily at E who dodges the attacks before backflipping away from Adam's sword swings before clashing head on with her weapon in sword form while sparks are created between their sword blades while Tara kicks at Christopher's sword blade before she walks over to her swords and picks them both up before going back to clashing head to head with her own swords as she angrily grunts before slashing her swords at Christopher who easily blocks all of the attacks before attempting to disarm her again only to be blocked by both sword blades as she jumps onto the tabletop before she starts slashing her swords at him only to miss every single attack before she converts her weapons into guns and shooting rapid fire bullets at him before jumping off of the tabletop and she starts kicking at him only to miss her marks and starts shooting at him while E gets kicked by Adam while he walks toward her angrily.

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