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Chapter 47: Kidnapped


"Hi! Are you Min?" It was Friday, and a pretty lady in her 20's had stopped Min in the middle of the courtyard. Min was preparing to go home alone since Kristy and Grace were both busy with extracurricular activities and Min had no plan other than to draw her comic for 5 hours.

A few students peeked at the lady curiously as they passed. Min started to feel anxious.

"I think so?" Min checked behind herself for anyone else.

The lady laughed. "Awww! You're so cute!"

Min made eye contact with the woman and slowly took a step back.

The woman held up her palms. "I come in peace!" She puffed out her chest, hands on her hip, and stylish sunglasses resting on her head. "Angel, your creepy stalker's sister."

"That doesn't sound... very safe." Min responded, amused, as she stifled a smile.

"Well," Angel responded, holding out a hand. "Before Kady finds out that I am taking you on a date, let us do you away, shall we?"

Angel offered a little wink.

Min stifled a laugh with a cough. Wow, they are so alike.

"Sure." Min mumbled. "I guess I can get kidnapped for a maximum of 2 hours before I have to go home."

Angel made a noise of delight before running off with Min, excitement finally gracing her all too boring college girl life.

Min started to fear for her life before she got completely distracted by something resting on the backseat of Angel's car. "Is that a sketchbook!?" She screeched. "You draw!?"

"And I also drive like a lunatic, so buckle up!"


Angel had driven out to a little studio out in one of the super peaceful and rich neighborhoods. Min cried a little as she stepped inside and admired all the expensive materials.

"Art major?" She sniffled, shakily holding an expensive looking brush.

"Art major." Angel clarified, snapping pictures of Min.

The sun was pouring into the room through a big window, lighting the dust as it danced through the air. Min set the paintbrush down and admired the painting that was in progress. It looked like an empty fishbowl.

Thinking back to the sketchbook she had managed to flip through while holding on for dear life, she vaguely remembered a sketch of a boy curled up in a fishbowl.

The boy reminded her of Kade.

"Are you hungry?" Angel piped up, heading peeking from a doorway that led to another room. "I have some lasagna."

Min instantly swiveled around. "Pasta?" She whispered. "I never get to have pasta."

The two ended up sitting at a little table to eat some pasta. Although Min with a litt—lot more gusto. Angel looked at her with a curious delight, her eyes sparkling.

"How did you meet Kady?" She inquired.

Min coughed on a piece of meat and stiffened. She slowly looked up at Angel, her mouth stuffed. Quickly looking down, she chewed. Gods, she is adorable! I have to bully her! Kady, when will you date this girl!

"He was flirting at my friend." Min responded in a small voice.

All hopes of a Min and Kade relationship were dashed, Angel looked pained.

"So I..." Min cleared her throat awkwardly, whispering, "told him off and gave him the middle finger..."

All hopes were back, but in a different light.

"Get married." Angel whispered. "Oh, for the love of god—not even god, for your pasta."


"How many children!?" Angel muttered to herself. "Oh, the children! Five! Ten! Twenty!"

"Why are there children?" Min answered in panic. "Why are children happening?"

"Oh Kady, I will forgive you for marrying before me but only with this girl."

"Umm..." Min leaned back into her chair. "I already like someone else..."

Angel looked at her with such intensity, Min felt her legs going weak.

"Liking is only temporary, love, love, on the other hand, will be forever! An eternity!" Angel sprung from her seat, breathing in with her eyes closed. Then, she opened them, looking into the distance.

"Call me sister."

Min slowly took out her phone and began dialing nine-one-one.

"Noooo!" Angel screeched, lunging for her. "Not again!"


"So, what do you not like? What is not up to your satisfaction? His cockiness? His sass? His dic—"

"I think we should slow down!" Min screeched, face going red.

The two had finished their lasagna and Angel insisted on having tea. And biscuits.

"Please, enlighten me, future sister-in-law!" Angel begged, gripping the edge of the table.

"He's just..." Min paused, thinking deeply. "He comes with a lot of consequences."

Instead of crowing on about how consequences come with every guy as Min expected her to, Angel grimaced and also became lost in thought, settling back in her chair. She sipped her tea, sighing.

"So, what do you know about Kady?" Angel questioned, voice soft.

"I think he has secrets." Min began. "Like secrets on why he has to sneak around in his own house. And his cult members. They need to calm down. And the thousands of girls he may or may not have... been with. Or maybe his dedication to making them like him for some sick reason. I don't know!"

Angel nodded.

"Or maybe why he's stopped trying to impress them. Like recently. Like why he chases me around and gets me donuts and smiles like a doofus or asks me to get him a sunflower or maybe even why he's always so touchy."

Angel stopped nodding.

"Maybe why he's so sad. And silly. And he lets me dance with him in his big house backyard thing and how even when he's with the prettiest girl in the damn ballroom he still looks my way. And smiles. His eyes asking, 'are you okay'?"

"And his mom, why he's so tight with his mom." Min sucked in a breath, realizing now she had been clenching her fists. She unclenched them.

"His eyes are like the sky." She whispered. "The sky has things I don't know about. But, damn! I suspect that he likes me! It's so damn obvious but I am not self-loving enough to believe it. So, he must love the transfer girl. Vivi."

"So, he must?" Angel asked quietly.

Min looked up at Angel. "If he didn't, then what else would keep me from going mad?"

The room was quiet for a moment.

Angel clasped her hands together.

"Let me tell you a story."


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