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Chapter 8: Subtle


That night Min had a hard time sleeping due to her overactive brain. Thoughts about Wolfie kept a secure hold on the wheel to Min's brain, and directed all nervous energy to scenarios that would all stem from the fact that they are doing the project together. She even imagined that she would have to fight some girls to get him, but ah, it would all be worth it.

This morning, she arrived at school burned out. Reality finally hit her and she realized that none of it would happen, and all she would do is get the project done with him. Nothing else.

Just like every guy I've ever met.

Min yawned, absentmindedly shoving cereal into her mouth, seated in a corner of the cafeteria, waiting for her friends to finally show up. The sky was a clear blue outside, and Min stared at it, feeling a sense of calm.


"Uh—" Kade flinched and looked behind him, it was a girl pointing at the table he was staring at. "Excuse me." She said quickly and walked past him and sat down in front of the girl he had been attentively watching.

"Hello, Grace!" Min smiled at the girl that sat down and started a conversation with her about something of the other. Kade looked away quickly, feeling embarrassed, here he was, hiding behind a pillar, staring at his—his...

Victim? Ex-Arch Nemesis?

Kade sighed into his hands, and then quickly walked off before he caught anyone's suspicion.

"By the way," Grace began, putting down her phone. "Someone was staring at you."

"Who?" Min perked up eagerly and quickly scanned the room behind Grace for Wolfie.

"It's... the prince-dude you ha..." Grace stopped in realization that Min was no longer paying attention because she sighed melodramatically and she pouted with her cheek resting on her hand.

"Hmm?" Min came back to earth and glanced at her friend.

"Never mind."


"You know," Min and her friends were walking to lunch, and Min was having one of those episodes where she voiced her heart's deepest small wishes. "I want to have a duet with a guy, to harmonize. But no one is perfect for it."

"We don't know." Kristy smiled like she knew something Min didn't. "There might be someone."

"Who?" Grace asked, raising an eyebrow and after Kristy mouthed some words Grace realized with an "ohhh" and a sneaky smile.

"Who could possibly be—" Min bit her lip, staring off it the distance, not noticing the scheming look her friends were sharing. And then, Min-min was promptly pushed into someone and the two girls ran off to lunch giggling.

"What the—" Min blinked, rubbing her forehead. "What are those two doing now?!"

She heard someone suck in a breath and looked up at the guy she bumped into. "Oh—Sorry... Kade!?"

"How, hi, are you—" Kade winced. "I mean—Hi, um..."

Min put some distance between them, a bit wary, sensing his change of attitude towards her. Quickly, to test the waters, she folded her arms and said, "Your favorite peasant has arrived."

Kade, finally getting the note, composed himself and snapped out of it. "You admit it."

Min rolled her eyes but smiled. "Have you given your girlfriend her answer yet?"

"M-My what?"

"Y-Your girlfriend." Min copied his stuttering. "Chloe."

"Oh, no, she's not my—" Kade glanced away. "Girlfriend."

Min looked at him, unconvinced. "Oh, mhm, and I am popular amongst guys."

"She really isn't." Kade muttered, annoyed.

"I thought it was your thing to date someone but like someone else?" Min asked.

"I don't date." Prince replied, matter-of-factly. "Comes with the job. Strict rule."

Min scoffed and started heading towards the lunchroom. "Oh yeah, Mr. Model."

He followed after her and after she shot him a look, he gestured that he had lunch too and that she was stupid. Min scowled at him and walked faster. As a response to that, Kade smugly caught up to her and with that Min stopped and cried out in frustration.

"Following me is another form of 'getting your fans mad'!"

"I'm not following you, I'm walking with you."

"Your player ways don't work on me!" Min threatened, pointing at him.

"Never said I was using them."

Min finally lost it and started laughing and decided to let him walk with her some more, until they get to the lunchroom where the eyes are always prominently watching. But until then, she let herself laugh at his dumb antics.

And Kade too, allowed himself to loosen up.

Finally, by your side.


I bet there is a lot of haters for Kade lmao.

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