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Chapter 27: Mother


Hide it all. Mom is coming.

Short and sweet. It kept him awake all night, even after hiding anything that could relate to Min, he slept in short intervals.

The next morning Min texted Kade but received no response. She thought it was odd but didn't question it. She went to school expecting Kade to attack her out of nowhere again, which didn't happen. She passed by him in the halls, surrounded by girls. His signature smile was plastered on his face, but his eyes looked meaninglessly at the world. No one seemed to notice it except her, so she bowed her head and pushed past the crowd.

And then it came, a message. Min was heading to the bathroom when she met Kade in the hallway, he was alone. He didn't speak a word and as he walked past her he held her hand for a minute before letting go.

Min stood in shock, registering the slip of paper in her hand. She headed to the bathroom and went into a stall and opened up her fist to reveal the crumpled slip in her palm.

Lunch, area behind the school where your Wolf met you.

She made a face. Why is he doing the shady thing again? This happened during the time I went to his house too.


She met his tired smile when she arrived. She offered a brief smile back, waving her phone at him. "Is it about this?"

He glanced at her phone for a while before he snapped his attention back to Min. She was looking expectantly at him, after a strange moment of silence, she took a few steps closer to him.

"You didn't text me back."

Kade glanced away, turning, allowing his side to face her. He closed his eyes. "Do you know what is the most important in dating?"

"Umm.." Min swayed in her spot. "I don't really know."

He turned to face her again. "Timing, wording, and..." He moved closer to her, his hand reaching for her face. "Touch."

Min ducked out of the way, his hand missing. Putting her hand on his wrist, she looked up at him flatly. "What are you trying to do to me, hmm?"

He took this chance to take her hand mischievously, smirking. "Touch his shoulder." He moved her hand to his shoulder. "His hand." He intertwined his hand with hers. "Maybe, if you want to be flirty, his hair." Her fingers grazed the tips of his bangs.

"And if you want to get a little suggestive..." He continued, knowing he had her full attention. "His thigh or even his lips."

He placed her fingertips against his mouth and let himself smile against the touch.

She ripped her hand away, stepping back.

His smile disappeared.

"You didn't sleep well." She whispered, putting her hands behind her back, staring at the floor. "You didn't respond instantly to a text. You're acting irrationally right now. What happened?"

"Nothing." He swallowed.

I just want to spend time with you.

She looked up at him, an expression of pain crossing her eyes.

He swallowed again.

I just want to keep you here.

He looked up at the sky, smiling emptily.

"My mother."


He gave answers. But they were vague. He told her his problem like it was a synopsis of a novel. She didn't pry anymore. It wasn't her place to.

He had a strained relationship with his mother. If his mother found out he brought a girl like Min over she would be livid. He has to be careful around her. To not be seen with her. He destroyed his phone.

He stared at the floor and smiled at it blankly as he talked. Min was fixated on his broken stance. She thought that he had one façade, and that was the only one. But truly, how many masks does he hide under?

He didn't accuse his mom of anything, his story was unbiased, objective. Min suddenly was hit with a realization, he's more of an adult than I can imagine. I would be angry and lash out.

He's sitting on a throne so high, does he know how to climb back down?

Everyone has to climb up the throne to get on it, but maybe he is an exception. He was placed there in the very beginning, and now he doesn't know how to climb down. He's trapped.

Taking a look at him, she realized that she hadn't really thought about him at all. Since he was always readily there, she didn't really think about him. He was arrogant, but Princes can be arrogant, he was perfectly sitting on his throne, pristine and proper.

Maybe he doesn't want to climb down.

"I get it." Min replied. No, she didn't. She didn't get it. "My role is to pretend I don't know you, right?"

He stiffened. He'd never thought about it that way. She simplified the problem to the basic form. Why was is so complicated in his mind then?

Because I don't want to do this. Don't ignore me. All those messages I deleted, do you have them? When the problem is over, can I have them? I want your number, I want to write down your number.

But I can't.

Min shrugged, straightening up. "Time is almost up." She offered a smile. "Don't want to keep your fans waiting."

It was so inviting. Walk back with her. He stared at her frozen smile. Then he turned away and lowered his eyes.

"You go back first."

That's right. Min thought to herself. I'm right, the witch will never befriend the Prince. This distance, it happens. I lose friendships eventually, always. Always with guys like this.

She walked away without looking back.


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