Once I took a seat, there was a sudden knock on my door. I authorized the person to enter the room. It was the receptionist from the main floor of the building. In her hands was a bouquet of flowers. She placed it down on the floor near the door. I smiled assuming it might've been a gift for me. I hardly get any gifts delivered to me at work. I see the company is finally appreciating my share of work around here.

"Special delivery!" she said with enthusiasm.

"What are those for?" I asked confused at the random appreciation that's been given to me.

She shrugged, "It arrived this morning, there wasn't an address so I actually have no idea who it's from but they're quiet lovely."

"They're not from the company?"

"Nope. I would've been informed if it was from the company."

"Thanks for the delivery, I appreciate it." I got up and retrieved the flowers from the floor. It was actually heavier than it looked. I placed it near my desk where I could admire it closely.

"No problem, maybe it's from a friend or relative," the receptionist added. She walked out the door but entered again with a face of realization as if she remembered to tell me something. "I completely forgot, there has been someone on line 4 waiting to talk to you. they called twice I think."

"I'll speak with them shortly," I responded. She left me alone in my office. I was still curious about the anonymous flowers that was sent to me. The only person who I had in mind that could possibly do this was Sierra but this was something out of her element. She'd never deliver anything special to my work, she's like a face to face gift giver type of person. Could've been quiet possibly a surprise? Guess I'll have to find out when I get home.

The ringing from the office phone snapped me back to reality, I cleared my throat before answering. After the third ring, I picked up with the usual work greeting. "Good morning, Michael speaking."

There was a short pause but a heavy breathing from the other end. "Hello?"

"Hey Michael.......it's Veronica." Veronica?

I was taken back when I heard her voice from the other end. Why would she be calling?

"Hey Veronica...um is there something I can do for you?" I said confusingly.

"No, I just wanted to call you to make sure if you got to work safely and on time." She responded with her light voice.

"I...uh...I did. How did you get my work number?" I questioned her. More importantly, how does she know where I work at?

"Sierra gave it to me. I asked her for the number so I could call to thank you once more for what you did for me. I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"You didn't interrupt anything but Veronica...you couldn't wait to tell me this some other time? You know when I'm not at work?" I chuckled.

"I would've forgotten if I didn't call you now." She said. I know this may sound weird but why could I see her smiling through this phone right this second. It's a bit weird she would only call just to thank me after she's done so many times before but I didn't think much about it.

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