Chapter 29 & 29.5 - Friendship & Dates

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He tried to talk some sense into Gon when he witnessed him got took over by On, but none of it worked.

So he thought of another idea.

The one he should deal with is the girl who has Netero in her hands.

He reached out for the girl who was shielded by the powerful aura around her.

"Listen, I know you can hear me. I know you're not yet dead. I need your help, please stop this. I don't want my friend to be like this, I don't like seeing him like this. So please... help me bring him back. Let go..." She somehow shed a tear after a few more words from the grieving Zoldyck.

She finally let go and died on her own.

Killua whispered his apologies and as well his gratitude.

Netero was finally released, but it didn't took Jed by surprise.

In truth he was a little joyed by this, because he can finally fight the person he wanted to have revenge to.

What he did to him a few years ago was the start of it all.

Gon, however, did not snapped out of his senses.

Killua tried his very best to talk some sense to him more.

He pleaded his bestfriend, but none of it worked again.

Tigress saw how much Killua long for Gon's smiling face again.

He didn't want this, and so did she.

So she stood up, still rocking left to right.

Her legs shaking, her body was trying its best not to fall down.

She held her arm by her hand, her other eye closed.

She walked very slowly, watching the two boys fighting.

But Gon's eyes wasn't the same anymore, she could tell that there's only one thing that'll sure bring him back.

The thing that they were both looking for again and again.

She finally reached Gon, she held him by his shoulder tightly.

She pulled him closer, close enough to feel his breathing to her neck.

"Gon, save me" She muttered.

"Save Natsume"

"I need you, save me" This slightly helped the situation when the On was slowly turning in to a different color.

"I thought you wanted to help me get my memory back.So we can adventure together again, like the old days? Do you still want me back Gon?"

"If you do... then please come back. Come back to being our Gon, come back to being MY Gon" She smiled at the blank faced teen while he slowly calmed down.

The aura was turning golden yellow.

"No way..." Jed gasped, seeing how Gon has turned On upside down.

"On is made out of people's rage and hatred, Gon was able to turn that around. Because he had the thing that will surely defeat On. Forgiveness... Kindness. Something that you, Jed, will never have" Netero explained, intensely staring at his old friend.

His old friend who has always been by his side, if only the dark magic had not taken over him.

Netero had to strike him down in order to remove the disorder in the world.

Both of them still remember their promise; that they would fight again some other day on which jed would finally win over Netero.

He broke a coin in two for the sign of the promise and as well as for their friendship.

Broken Red Strings [Killua love story] Hunter x Hunter Fanfic (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora