Chapter 22

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Sorry for the long wait! But here it is!!!!

This is my favorite chapter... and basically what I've been waiting for since chapter 1... so i hope you like it!! 


            Sara’s POV

            Two or three weeks after Katie left the hospital, the girls and I all gathered up our saved money, and bought an apartment together. Addie and Ed went up to San Francisco to do a short signing. Addie’s book got accepted and printed instantly. After a few weeks, they would hit the shops, already getting a few fans.

            Harry told the world about his girlfriend, a couple weeks ago. Niall told me that once management okay’d it, that he would show me off to the world. I was really excited, but really nervous. I wondered what the fans would think of me… I thought of Danielle, and all the hate she received and prayed that I wouldn’t get it too bad.

            So far, Gabi hasn’t received a lot of hate at all. Sure, there are those few haters, but mostly it’s all good comments for her, so I just prayed that they would react the same as they did to her.

            But now, Katie, Gabi and I walked a short distance from our apartment to the boys’ hotel. We were laughing about something Katie said, until an unfamiliar girl stopped us with a big smile, looking at Gabi in awe.

            “Hi. Um, sorry to bother you but… um.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before reaching Gabi’s eyes, “Are you Gabi? Harry girlfriend?”

            Gabi smiled and flicked her hair over her shoulder dramatically. “Why, yes I am.” The girl giggled and looked at Katie and I before looking back to Gabi, pulling out a piece of paper and a sharpie from her purse. “Can you sign this please? I love you guys so much.” She blushed.

            Gabi blushed too, as me and Katie made stupid faces at her. “Sure, love!” She grabbed the paper and began signing it, even adding a little message.

            “Aren’t you…” She girl began thoughtfully, turning to me, “Aren’t you that girl who kissed Zayn? You have her hair.” She didn’t think much of it as she spoke, letting me know that it wasn’t a big deal to her.

            I was shocked. I forgot that actually happened. All the worries of not being accepted as Niall’s girlfriend because of that stupid picture were coming back. “No, sorry that wasn’t me.” I said sweetly, biting my tongue to the fact that Niall was my boyfriend. I had to wait until Niall told the world, first.

            She shrugged. “I thought so. You had the same looking hair, but you don’t seem like Zayn’s type.” She gave me a wink as Gabi finished signing.

            “What type do I look like?” I asked curiously. What was Zayn’s type? Did he even have a type?

            “You look like Niall’s type.” She winked at me before saying a flustered ‘thank you’ to Gabi. Katie laughed at me, and she walked away, getting out her phone probably calling her friends about what happened.

Louis’ POV

            The girls all moved into an apartment together recently. Sara said something to me about them planning to do this for years, and finally saved enough money to do it or something of the sort. Thankfully, the apartment was close to our hotel since Gabi wanted to become an actress, and the closer to LA, the closer she’d be to living her dream.

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