Chapter 17

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Sara’s POV

            Niall, Harry, Louis and I, migrated to the couch where we were flipping through channels, trying to decide on something to watch. Louis sat on the floor in front of Harry, holding the remote while I sat in the middle with Niall on my left side. My feet were tucked under me on the right side while I leaned into Niall, calmly rubbing his back.

            I blushed every time he glanced over at me with a smile, as if he were checking if I was still there. I was still there, and I would always be there. He didn’t have to worry, and I tried telling him that with a bright smile of my own.  "Let's watch that!" Harry said pointing to a channel. Louis just shook his head, "No, Haz that looks boring."

"But I want to watch it!" Harry said smirking, starting a playful argument which ended up in a wrestling match over the remote control.

Niall got up in a flash, only to drag the coffee table away from the fight. I laughed at him as he came back over to me with a cheery smile on. He placed his arm around my shoulders this time and pulled me to his chest, not saying that I complained at all. We watched laughing as the two boys were getting more and more into the fight.

Just as Harry was about to pin Louis to the ground, someone knocked on the door. Knowing who it was, Harry turned his head to the door. Louis took that opportunity to flip Harry over and pin him down with a hard bang.

"Louis!" Harry complained breathlessly.

He just chuckled and patted Harry on the cheek, letting him know that he wasn't getting off of him anytime soon.

"I'll get it!" I offered, heaving myself off the couch and headed towards the door.

"DON'T LET THEM IN, SARA!" Louis screamed as Harry began struggling under Louis' weight.

I laughed and opened the door to see a bouncing Gabi and an annoyed looking Addie. "Hey Sara!" Gabi said winking at me. I forgot to tell her that I was coming to talk to Niall. I stuck my tongue out at her as she ran in the room, scolding Louis for hurting Harry.

I turned to Addie with a smile, "I didn't think you would have wanted to come."

She shrugged, stepping in the room, "I didn't want to. I wasn't told where we were going until we were already halfway here." She looked to the boys and Gabi, as Gabi now struggled to push Louis off of a screaming Harry. "So you really know them..." she said thoughtfully.

I nodded, "It still feels like it's not real." I closed the door and stood with Addie for a while watching the scene from afar. "I didn't want a lot of people to know, but Niall and I are going out." I said quietly to Addie.

She turned to me with wide eyes, "You are not!" she said in disbelief. When I nodded with a blushing smile, she smiled halfheartedly, "That's awesome. I'm happy for you!"

I shrugged, "Well, I know you don't like them, so sorry for making you come here."

She shrugged, "I don't like their music, but I can handle them as people for one afternoon, I guess."

"Sara!" Niall called me, "Louis isn't moving!" I laughed as I saw that he was still plopped on the couch.

"Get up and help them!" I laughed, pointing to Gabi and Harry. It was funny because Harry and Gabi were trying to have a decent conversation while they attempted to get Louis off. Louis screamed random stuff as they spoke, frustrating them both.

Nobody Knows (A One Direction FanFic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now