Chapter 3

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Sara’s POV

            Niall didn’t seem to mind getting left behind by the rest of the boys. He even seemed more comfortable. He was smiling at lot more, plus it was nice to talk to him, and just him.

            It was a lot better for me too. I got to hear Niall’s voice a lot more. It was also a lot less nerve-racking without all five guys around me.

            “Where do you want to go for lunch?” Niall asked, right after we rode HauntedMansion. I tried not to laugh; Niall would be hungry. Then I realized that I was hungry as well, so maybe it was just my stupid Directioner brain.

            “There’s this little restaurant place over there,” I pointed. “It had this really good calm chowder and chicken-”

            “Let’s go there.” Niall interrupted, smiling at me slightly. He grabbed my hand, pulling me along to the restaurant.

            My cheeks flushed. His hand was so warm, and inviting. The touch of his hand made me melt, and I wanted to cling to his arm. But I don’t think he even realized that he was holding my hand. Did he? Was it on purpose, or just to pull me along?

            When we got out of a crowd, Niall’s pace slowed. Our arms slacked, but he never let go of my hand. I glanced at him, and he was perfectly content, with a big smile on his face.

            He glanced down at me, and our eyes met. We both didn’t look away, but just stared at each other. Slowly, a smile spread across his face, and I smiled back.

            Was this an intimate moment? Oh god, I’m so bad at this love thing. I was awful at seeing if someone liked me or not. My insides took flight as I thought about Niall, and if he actually did like me-

            Some guy walking by had shoved my shoulder hard enough to make me tumble for a moment before Niall stabilized me by placing an arm around my waist.

            Niall cursed at the man angrily. “I’m so sorry, Sara. Are you okay?” He looked over me as if he would see a broken arm.

            To tell the truth, my shoulder was a bit sore, but I wasn’t going to let Niall worry. “I’m fine, it was an accident.” I shrugged. It didn’t bother me that other people were so rude. I always told myself that it was their life, so they could live it however they so wished even if that means that they are dicks.

            Niall placed an arm around me protectively, and rubbed my arm softly as he led us out of the crowd and to the restaurant. Niall’s arm was so comforting around me, I couldn’t help myself but rest my head on his chest, and snake my arm around his torso. I didn’t know what any of this meant for us two, but I tried to ignore my thoughts and go with what felt right.

            Once we got into the restaurant, I ordered my calm chowder bowl as usual, as Niall ordered the chicken. I took out my wallet from my satchel, but Niall pushed it back in. “I’ll pay for this one, Sara.” He gave me a little wink.

            “This one?” I asked playfully. “What makes you think we’re going to eat together again?”

            “We still have to eat dinner!” He laughed, paying the register lady, who stayed quiet to let us keep talking. I could see the glint in her eye, and could tell she rather enjoyed our conversation.

            I raised an eyebrow, “What makes you think that I’ll stick around that long?”

            He mocked hurt, and placed a hand over his heart, “You would ditch me too? Everyone is leaving me!” He called out, pretending to cry, and ran off with his food, just after receiving his change.

Nobody Knows (A One Direction FanFic) *Completed*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt