Chapter 21

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Sorry for the delay! Hope you all enjoy it and put your thoughts in the comments! I'm having a hard time deciding what to do (Who should be with who) and i would love your opinions! Thanks!


            Addie’s POV

            I woke up in the unfamiliar bed I feel asleep in last night, and all the memories of last night came flooding back.


            We got out of the car, in front of a low key looking bar. I turned to Ed and raised one of my eyebrows at him. Did he really expect this was a date location? But then again, it is Ed Sheeran, so I’ll take what I can get; and if that means a date at a bar, then a date at a bar with Ed Sheeran I’ll have.

            He laughed at me, before leading me to the door, “I’m not much of a romantic…” He said shrugging awkwardly. I smiled before he let his arm hang over my shoulder relaxed, walking through the doors.

            We walked into a dark dance floor, with what looked like a small bar to the right. On the left, was a stage that looked like it was being set up for people. There was music playing, but it was loud like a club, but more relaxed. I didn’t like the music that they normally play, so I hoped Ed wasn’t expecting me to dance with all the other sweaty people on the dance floor.

            “Want to get something to drink?” Ed asked gesturing to the bar. I nodded with a smile as we walked to the bar. He ordered me a drink I didn’t quite catch, but I didn’t care. Tonight, I would just let lose and have fun with this crazy awesome guy.

~          ~          ~

            “Who wants to sing next!?” The guy on the stage asked into the microphone. It was apparently karaoke night here at this small bar, and Ed hadn’t gone up yet. I kept telling him and telling him to go up and sing, but he wouldn’t listen to me. I figured it would be no big deal since, you know, he’s a professional singer.

            “He does!” I screamed over everyone else, pointing to Ed.

            “Addie!” He laughed at me. I just shrugged and practically pushed him to the stage. He stuck his hands in his pockets and shuffled on stage, as everyone gave him friendly encouragement. It was obvious that nobody at the bar recognized him.

            “What song would you like to sing, sir?” The guy asked Ed. Ed gestured for the man to move closer and whispered something into his ear with a slight smile. The man shrugged smiling, “Alright he wants to play guitar and sing!”

            The crowd cheered for Ed again. I gave him an encouraging smile as he glanced at me, adjusting the guitar the man gave him. Ed gave me a smile before strumming a few chords. I cocked my head to the side, because I was positive I knew the song… what was the name again?

            “She’s like Cold Coffee in the morning,

            And I’m drunk from last night’s whiskey and coke.”

            I smiled. This was one of my favorite songs by him, and here I was listening to him playing it live. I never thought I would ever be in this position right now.

            “She’ll make me shiver without warning,

            And make me laugh as if I’m in on the joke.

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