Chapter 6

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Songs that inspired this chapter: Come Back Home by: The Icarus Account; Yesterday by: The Beatles.

Sara’s POV

"Are you going to call him?" Nicole me for about the tenth time on the way home. Usually, the music is blasting, and we are having a dance party, but today it's silence. They had been trying to get information out of me.

"I don't know, guys." I said. I ran a hand over my face. Of course I wanted to call him, but what would I say? "Hi! Remember me!" no. I'll wait until tomorrow.

"What's to think about?" Jeff laughed. Even he knew that this wouldn't be something that I would have been thinking over.

Yesterday, if I was given Niall's number, I would have called it right away, no questions asked. But for some reason, I sat staring at it, as if it were to start dancing off my hand.

I was afraid to call him. I knew he liked me; that much wasn't hard to figure out after the fireworks. But what I was afraid of, was: what was going to happen after?

Even if by some miracle, we got together, we would always be apart. He would always be on tour, and I would always stay in a random city in California.

If I I'd call him, then we were both just prolonging the inevitable. We couldn't be together. It was just a one-night thing. Nothing more.

Even as I told myself over and over that this couldn't continue after today, m heart broke. I felt like I was missing something dear to me. I don't know whether or not destiny wanted us to be together, but all the odds were stacked against us.

Us to be together? that was absurd! I was just a fling. Something that Niall did because he was bored.

My thoughts weren't helping my emotions. My esteem went lower and lower the longer I thought about it. Why would I assume that we would have a relationship beyond Disneyland? It was just my Disney infected mind, that wanted the fairy tale ending.

How could I be so naive?

~          ~          ~

Louis' POV

Harry and I watched as Niall paced the small space in his hotel room. His phone was laying on his bed, cold and untouched.

Harry thought Niall would need some support, since Sara hadn't called yet.

I wanted to shout, 'I TOLD YOU SO!', but that wouldn't help at all, would it? Nobody ever seems to take me seriously sometimes. Maybe that’s why I stick to jokes, because no one would ever listen to me. I was such a Debbie Downer about this, but I didn’t care. It would bite him in the bum, and I was right. Like I knew I would be. I just didn’t want to be the one to pick up the pieces.

"Niall sit down, it's only ten in the morning!" Harry tried soothing. I rolled my eyes, because he was only making this last longer for Niall.

Harry didn't understand how much it hurt.

Sure, he had Caroline, but that was only a fling, and they weren't as close as Eleanor and I.


The day came flooding back as if it were yesterday:

We were on tour in Australia and I got this phone call from her late at night. They boys and I were hanging out in Liam and Niall's room since we were stuck until the morning.

Nobody Knows (A One Direction FanFic) *Completed*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ