Chapter 75, An eternal crack

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A/N: Guys try not to spoil everything that happens in your Instagram posts

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A/N: Guys try not to spoil everything that happens in your Instagram posts. Be mysterious. Some haven't read yet.

I fend off an attacker to my left - turning and missing the iron pipe he swings at me with barely an inch

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I fend off an attacker to my left - turning and missing the iron pipe he swings at me with barely an inch. The turn brings me face to face with another Southerner and I'm quick enough to send an upper cut. Someone grabs me from behind and I let my elbow crack some of the attacker's ribs. He lets go just as a fourth guy behind him raises a gun. I grab the Southerner running up to me and hold him as a shield as three shots fire. The human shield is facing me and spits blood onto my face when he gets shot. I drop him and move on.

Out of breath, I spot the missile heading this way just in the nick of time and dive for safety. The missile hits a truck behind me and the explosion sends a shock wave that propels me forward even more. I hit the coarse pavement hard and lose some skin on my arms as I roll across the road.

I look up, out of breath.

I can't do this... I can't do this...

With the taste of blood in my mouth, I crawl my way next to a car that's on fire and watch people run around and fight and shoot each other. I've never seen such chaos. When I was a gang leader, I never had to deal with this...

Whatever I had to deal with is childs-play compared to this... I feel like a little boy. I don't even feel nineteen. I feel unbelievably young.

I hide like a coward and watch the fight. 

Dad wouldn't want me to just watch...

I immediately think back of all my boxing matches. I remember why I always fought in that ring. I remember what was my drive. What pushed me.

And if I give up now, who knows what'll happen to my little sister...

I have to get through this.

Still trying to regain my breath, I clench my fists and wipe the blood off of my face. "I fight for my parents that are dead and their love that remains. I fight for my dad's legs that he can walk on in heaven. I fight for my hate for Blake that has disappeared. I fight for my gang that I lost. My friends that I lost with it. I fight for gold that'll never be mine. I fight for my sister that is endanger," I chant to myself.

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