Part 24 - Come on.

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*Jade's POV*

We followed Jay outside, there was a car with a massive dent in the bonnet in the middle of the road and a body about 3 meters away, but not just anybody, they were the same clothes and shoes Nathan was wearing before he left the house. Jay and Max had tears in their eyes as they looked over the lifeless body. I walked over slowly, breathing heavily, tears continuously rolling down my face. I reached him, his fringe swept across his face, he had blood trickling down from the left side of his face, Emily was next to me, tears rolling down her face too. We heard the sirens of the ambulance get closer, I ended up holding Em's hand for support. This couldn't be happening, I pinched myself a couple of times and still woke up to the same motionless body of Nathan's. The car owner was on her phone, trying to speak to some members of her family, she was quite shook up.

"E-Em, can I have your phone, I'll call Karen."

"You don't want me to do it?" Em asked handing me the phone from her pocket,

"Your in a worst state then me hun" I smiled softly, trying to lift her spirits as well as mine but nothing was working, I slid the blackberry torch up and went to contacts, finding mum and pressing the green call button, I waited briefly before Karen picked up,

"Em?" She asked sweetly, not knowing it was me and I was just about to tell her that Nath's been hit by a car,

"Karen? It's me, Jade." I stuttered slightly, shaking with nerves even worse then before,

"Oh, hi Jade, what's up?" she asked, the worried tone in her voice showing through,

"Karen..." I took a deep breath, this is it, "Nathan's been hit by a car, ambulance are on their way, Em was in no fit state to talk and neither are the boys..." I mumbled rushed, luckily she understood it all so I wouldn't have to say it again,

"Nathan's been hit by a car" she repeated a few times, "Are you okay?" she asked once more,

"Karen,  I'm fine, just quite scared and shook up, I'd be more worried about the state of Nathan and Em at the moment." I said,

"I know, but you mean the world to him and he's always told me if anything happened to support you, which I would do anyway." She sounded slightly more relaxed but worried still,

"Karen, I'm fine believe me, I'm going to go and try to calm Em down now because Tom's failing at the moment, doesn't help he's in tears to, I'll text you the hospital soon as we get there."

"Thanks Jade." she sighed,

"Your welcome Karen, I'll see you soon" I said softly,

"Will do, bye." and with that she hung up, speaking to Karen and hearing how relaxed she was compared to me soothed me a little.

*Tom's POV*

Baby Nath, he’s only 17 the poor thing. The ambulance came and stabilised him but he’s still in a critical condition, yet they haven’t told us anything else. Em went in the ambulance with Nath, after Jade insisting Em went instead of herself as she is he’s sister. We’re now at the hospital, Jay and Em are in there whilst Jade is on the phone to Siva and Sim, I think they’re on their way too. How can Jade be so calm? Max is blaming himself and Charley’s trying to convince him that it isn’t his fault. I blocked everything out for 10 minutes until Karen arrived. Wow, this is going to be tough explaining why her son’s in hospital in a critical condition. I got up and hugged her, she had tears in her eyes whilst Jess hid away behind Karen, tears already streaming.

“Karen, how are you so calm?” I asked softly, we’d met Karen several times before, like at the party celebrating All Time Low, Heart Vacancy, Nathan’s parties, and other times too.

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