Part 15 - The date.

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*Jade's POV*

We headed down the road, I don't really know where we were going, I just followed him until he stopped to look at me, I smiled, he smiled back, looking kinda scared, I squeezed his hand for comfort, he looked at me before turning and leading me through a small brown gate, I walked through there was small white flowers hanging from above over a arch, he lead me out, there was a blanket on the floor, surrounded in more of the white flowers like the ones from the arch. There was food and drink all there, it was quite cute. I looked round there were flowers everywhere, he turned to me, looking hopeful, he gave me that look as if to say 'what do you think of it?', I grinned back at him,

"It's beautiful Nath!" I exlaimed,

"Not as beautiful as you!" He smiled back, he was cheesy but hey, it's cute, I blushed slightly, he scrunched up his nose before shrugging it off and once again leading me over, he was in a pair of jeans ans high tops and one of his well known tops, I didn't really care what he looked like, just being in his company was great. we sat and talked about everything and anything, by the end of the night he was laying on the blanket and I was laying with him, my head on his chest, I was peacefully listening to his heartbeat and him breathing, he hand his arm wrapped round me, we stared up at the stars, he took a deep breath, then nothing, of course his heart was still beating and all but still, all of a sudden a couple of stutters came out before he decided to shut up. I sat up, moving his arm,

"What's up?"

"N-n-nothing." I sighed,

"Nath? Tell me. It's obvious your worried or nervous about something!"

"I-I-I.... Your not ready to be in a relationship are you?" He spoke fastly, giving me no time to think, making it even worse because I had to process those words, he looked up and sighed,



"Maybe I'm not ready, but we can still go on dates and stuff if you want, I'm just not there physically." He took a moment then nodded, smiling,

"If that's what you wanna do then I'm happy, your happy, I'm happy." I smiled and kissed his cheek and stood up,

"We really should get back you know"

"Yeah, course!" He picked the blanket and all the food wrappers, and signaled for me to follow him, so that's what I did, I followed him out the gate and down the road slightly, he stopped at the balck car, nodding, the window wound down revealing Siva who was sitting in the front, Nathan obviously not being old enough to get a driving licence. I climbed in the back, Nathan climbing in shortly after, it's not until I heard another familiar voice - which I realised to be Sims, she turned round beaming at me,

"Have a good time?" she asked, one eyebrow raised, Sim was always kept out of people's privates life but she was always there for you if you needed her. She was lovely, she is always bubbly and happy, very few things could bring her down. She is an amazing friend, she was the quiet one at first, I mean we all were but she was the one who took longer to break out of her shell, but now she has she's a completely different person, carefree and simply wonderful, we're not as close as me and Charlotte or Loty, but we're still close, I'm here for her&she's here for me.

"It was amazing!" I beamed at her, she giggled before telling me we were going out just the two of us so I could tell her everything, I agreed and I turned for Nathan, he had his arm around me, like always, he was being protective, I understand plus it's quite cute. He kissed my forehead as we reached home, you could see the TV was on we entered the house almost sliently other then the front door closing, Nathan was never quiet. All of the sudden 6 people were stood looking at us, the boys in the living room doorway and the girls standing by the stairs, Sim and Siva next to us, they both shrugged and exited into their groups, everyone was stood looking at me and Nathan. We looked at each other before rolling our eyes, smiling and laughing, the others looked at each other confused, I laughed even more, I pulled him in for a hug,

"Thanks Nathan, it was amazing, I mean it! I'll probably see you tomorrow morning knowing the girls. Night" I whispered in his ear, I kissed his cheek before looking at the girls and smiling, the looked at each other, Sim and Loty grabbing me hand and leading well dragging me behind them as they ran up the stairs.

*Max's POV*

Nathan looked the happiest I've seen him since we've moved in together, it's sweet, him and Jade were well happy when they got home and what were they laughing at? I smiled as Jay and Tom started teasing him, Jay making 'smooching' faces as far as he's calls them and Tom was skipping around the front room saying 'Oh, I love you Jade. I love you too Nathan!' In a high, squeaky girl voice, imitating them both apparently, me and Seev stuck up for Nathan and told him to be quiet, Nathan just stayed in the corner blushing.

"Tell us then!" Tom said, looking rather excited at the fact that anything Nathan said he'd turn rude or he would use it to embarass him in the future.

"Leave it Tom, Nath go to bed, the girls will no doubt tell us in the morning!" Normally Nathan would argue at the fact that one of us had told him to go to bed, but he understood that I was trying to help him and said thanks before walking out the room. I heard him jog up the stairs and his bedroom door close. Tom threw daggers my way as if to say 'why did you do that?' I ignored it and went off to bed myself.

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