Part 4 - Ex-girlfriend is back.

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*Nathan’s POV*

Jay just crumbled to the floor when the doctor shouted at him, none of us can explain or feel what he’s going through, Jade and LotY haven’t spoken much but Charley’s surprised me, she’s been the one that hasn’t left Jay’s side... Maybe she has a thing for Jay? I’ll ask...


“Yeah?” she replied looking around.

“Can I speak to you in private?”

“Yeah sure.” She got up from Jay’s side and walked over towards me.

“Charley, do you like Bird?”


“So how come you haven’t left his side?”

“Okay, you can’t tell Jay yet, I should really tell him...”

“Okay, spill the beans now...” She explained, wow that was a shock. Jay managed to drag himself from outside the door and over to the nearest chair. I walked over to him and tried cheering him up, nothing would work, I was just starting to get comftable when we heard a piercing scream from Charlotte’s room... everyone run into the room, Charlotte was rolling around her blue eyes streaming with tears, her hand cupping her side where it was stabbed. Jay tried calming her down yet she was screaming in pain, a doctor walked into the room I turned round to see Jade’s face drop, my ears where ringing with Charlotte’s scream, I had no other way to get out, I grabbed Jade’s arm and pulled her out the room to get a drink.

“Jade, who was he?”


“The doctor?”

“No-one, I’m just shocked how my life had changed...” She looked at the ground.


“Well, when we lived in Nottingham, I was with someone, he used to abuse me and basically rape me...” I placed my hand on Jade’s hand, she looked up, she’d lost the sparkle in her brown eyes.  I pulled her in for a hug, she didn’t resist, she just sobbed into my arm we we’re there for a god 30 minutes maybe before Max came down to find us, of course I hadn’t said where we where going, no-one would of been able to hear me anyway.

*Max’s POV*

I walked into the cafe area of the hospital, looked round and spotted Nathan and Jade over in the corner, I started to walk nearer when Nathan spotted me, he held up his phone singnalling he was gonna text me, I saw him typing away..

From Nathan:

Hey, Jade’s in a state, my ears we’re ringing from the screaming so I grabbed Jade and walked out, go back upstairs!

I looked up and waved at Nathan he didn’t notice, to focused on his phone.

To Nathan:

Ok&explains a lot! so do you like her?

From Nathan:

No, I’m just a being nice and besides, even if I did like her, I’m too shy to make the first move and if I did, I’d just mess everything up!

To Nathan:

Just relax and your making it sound as if you do mate!

From Nathan:

Well... I don’t know, she’s pretty and all but I think she has a boyfriend...

To Nathan:

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