Part 17 - Gone for good?

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*Charley's POV*

I was waken when police sirens got closer to the house, I'd heard bangs earlier but ignored it. I heard muffled voices from downstairs so I pushed myself up and wandered downstairs, Charlotte had tears rolling down her face, Loty comforting her, Max was standing on the other side of the room talking to Max. I looked at Nathan he was drinking tea - no surprise there - Jay was on his phone. I walked over and sat beside Nathan, only then when I looked out the window I see the face we all dreaded -Mark. I personally had nothing to do with him but by the scars, bruises, cuts and more he's left on Charlotte&Jade It's terrifying that he's anyone near any of us. Jade and Sim aren't up which is good, Sim wouldn't be too worried but it's Jade that would react. She's really wary and self-conscious, even more now after Mark, but yesterday, when she was with Nathan? That was the happiest I've seen her since before she got with Mark. Mark was lead away from the house and into a police car whilst Max spoke to some officers, shortly after that they left the house. I got a glass of water and sat back in the front room I was now wide awake and there was no way I'm getting back to sleep. Max pulled me onto his lap and we sat there talking for a couple of hours before we decided to try and get some sleep.

*Jay's POV*

After Mark had been lead away from the house we were all quite glad that neither Tom or Jade had woken up, not so worried about Siva and Sim. Tom would probably go a-wall and try to beat the crap out of him but Jade would over-think things and worry herself to much. Tiredness started to creep back into our bodies again so we all headed off to bed, I'd been laying in bed for five minutes before someone knocked on my door lightly, then the door was pushed open slightly, 

"Hi" a voice that I'd heard so many times whispered,

"You alright hun?" I asked concerned, I couldn't see but still,

"Fine, can't sleep though" I flicked on my small light that was placed on my beside table cabinet thing, I looked back at the doorway, Loty was stood their, half in, half out,

"Come 'ere" I held me arms out, she walked forward a few steps, turned around, closed the door, then turned back to me and sat down in my arms, I wrapped them round her making her feel safe and loved, she yawned and I let her go, I laid back in bed, pulling her with me, she faced the other way so I wrapped my arm around her and held her close, peacefully drifting off to sleep.

*Em's POV*

I smiled as I woke up, looking around, Beth was laying on the sofa too, the boys had let us come home but they were super cautious, even Nathan. He needs to live a little bit and stop worrying.

I pulled myself off the sofa, folding up my blanket and putting it in the cupboard underneath the stairs, grabbed my pillows and walked well jogged up the stairs, I flung my pillows onto the bed, grabbing my phone from the side, texting Nath,

To Nathan:

How did it all go last night? I'm out with Jade and the girls today, hmmm, embarrassing childhood stories;) X

I turned the switch off, taking my phone charger out of the socket and put it into the draw, I picked out a pair of sandals, a vest top with some shorts, I laid my clothes on the bed, putting my sandals on the floor and getting in the shower. I'm not as lazy as my brother and I stand up in the shower, I also don't take as long as him. I showered quickly, washing and conditioning my hair too. After I was dried and dressed I walked downstairs, Beth was in her room getting ready and was going to get in the shower after me, I grabbed a bowl and  a spoon putting it down on the counter, walking to the fridge and getting the milk, oh that's the other thing I'm not obsessed with tea like Nathan either, I grabbed the Coco Pops - best cereal ever to exist - and poured myself a bowl, I was sat eating listening to the radio when the 'Celeb updates' came on, I listened closely, I always find it hilarious what people say,

"The police were rumoured seen at the new boyband, The Wanted's house yesterday, one man was detained and was kept in for questioning, it's been rumoured that the man that was detained was stalking the boys friends and turned up at the house late last night, we'll be getting the latest on that for you later."

That sounded pretty true, I picked up my phone, calling Jess to see if she had heard it, - Yes, Jess was my sister, also Nathan's, she's a year younger then me but wanted to stay in Gloucester, Jess was always out with friends where as me and Nath spent time together hence the reason I moved down here, I'd be lost without him, so when he promised mum he'd make sure I'd do schooling or whatever she agreed, I don't go to normal school, when people found out about Nathan the boys got jealous and either wanted to beat the crap out of him or just wouldn't speak to me, the girls on the other hand just try to use me so they can meet Nathan, I stick with Beth - it rung a few times before she picked up, I could hear mum in the background,

"Hiya Jess"

"Hi Em"

"You heard about the police apparently being at the boys house last night?"

"Oh yeaaah, Nathan isn't answering his phone and mum's going mental, she's so worried about him."

"He'll be fine, I'm going out with Jade and the girls later anyway so yeah, I'll get him to call mum."


"Sorry I haven't called recently, had so much to do."

"It's fine, I've got to go calm mum down so call me later or tomorrow okay?"

"Yeah sure, say hi to mum for me, bye Jess!"


She hung up, me and Jess don't always get along, that's why mum didn't mind me moving with Nathan, it meant that she wouldn't have two teenage girls in the house arguing and playing their music louder then another. I carried on eating and soon Beth joined us, there was a knock on the door, Beth froze, I didn't think so much about it at first but I stopped what if it was Liam? It couldn't be, as I got closer they knocked on the door again, then a Irish accent rung out, followed by a familiar one, Nathan's, I opened the door, letting them in, we were off to Croatia in 3 days, today me and the girls were going shopping, I ran upstairs getting my bag, money, phone and key, I was just about to exit when I banged into Nathan, he laughed to punched him, he rubbed his arm as he handed me some money.

"What's this for?"

"Go treat yourself, I've also given Jade money, well, put it in her bag, but don't say anything otherwise she won't spend it, you on the other hand would love to spend all my money" he winked, I laughed and ruffled his hair, I know he hates that when I do it, it's so funny.

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