Part 5 - Charlotte's home!

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*Charley’s POV*

Well, he took that one better than he did last time. He took a deep breath and pulled me in for a hug, I suppose I’ll have to tell Charlotte soon as well, before Jay mentions it. I was sat in the kitchen whilst Jay was upstairs,





He ran down the stairs with Tom behind him.

“No Tom, I need to speak to Charley!”

“Fine.” Tom threw a tantrum we could hear a conversation going on in the front room

“TOMTANRTUM” was chorused from the front room followed by a group of laughs. I looked at Jay and grabbed my phone; he grabbed his keys and opened the door. We climbed into the van me getting in the passenger’s seat and Jay in the drivers

“Jay, how am I going to tell Charlotte? We’ve been friends for the last 3 years; she’ll hate me for not telling her sooner!”

“No she won’t, it’ll take her a little while to adjust to it though Charley!”

“I would rather just act like friends”

We was interrupted by ambulance sirens coming from behind us, I kept quiet from then on, sinking down into my seat. The journey seemed to go by quite quickly. Jay turned the engine off and climbed out of the car. I slowly pushed my door open and stood up, I started to shake, Jay ran up the stairs in front of me, I made my way upstairs, I couldn’t bear to look at her, I waited in the waiting room, Jay came out and got me, he stopped me before walking into the room,

“Do you want me to tell her?” I nodded, my throat was too dry, this was a make or break moment. Jay pushed the handle down and walked in my closely following behind.

*Jade’s POV*

I felt so much better after letting it all out with Nathan, although Mark knows where I am and god knows what he could do now. I was sat watching some random TV programme the boys had put on, Nathan was making tea, Tom was making breakfast, Loty and Sim where still asleep, and Charley and Jay went to the hospital to pick Charlotte up, leaving me, Siva and Max in the front room. Nathan appeared back in the room with 4 teas, one for me, Max, Siva and one for himself. He sat the other side of the room. I started watching the TV programme again when Tom shouted for breakfast, Max, Siva, Nathan and I all got up, Siva making his way to the front door to let Jay, Charley and Charlotte in as they’d just arrived. They all made their way in, Charlotte having to support herself on things to stop her from falling over, still a bit unsteady from her injures and the pain she was going through. I went upstairs to wake Loty and Sim up to see if they want breakfast, but they was sat up giggling.

“Guys, what are you giggling about?” I asked walking into the room

“Well, it’s Siva’s birthday in a couple of weeks so we were organising a surprise birthday party!” Lottie announced

“Oh, sounds good! And Tom’s made breakfast, do you guys want anything?”

“Yes! Tom’s cooking is amazing!” Sim said as she cleared away all the pieces of paper with names on for the party. After she has cleared it all away, Loty and Sim and I all made our way downstairs sitting with the rest of them, we all tucked in to a full English breakfast whilst Jay had cereal. It was silent as everyone was eating but half way through Tom piped up,

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