Part 2 - Another new family member?

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*Nathan’s POV*

Charlotte and Jade never came back down stairs earlier, well everyone’s gone up to bed now, and I’m just sat here watching Family Guy on BBC iPlayer... Shit, it’s 2 in the morning, we’ve got tomorrow off so I don’t have to get up! Thank god for that. I heard someone come downstairs, I just kept all my focus on the TV. Family Guy had finished and I was getting a glass of water from the kitchen when I heard someone behind me, I grabbed my glass of water and turned around, Jade was stood there, she looked like she’d been crying since forever. I walked towards her and put my glass down, opened my arms and she literally fell into them, I walked her to the front room and sat down with her still in my arms, after 5 minutes she wiped her tears,

“Thanks Nathan.”

“It’s okay; you ready to go to bed? As it’s like quater past 2 in the morning.” She looked up and nodded, I smiled softly and kissed her head, then got up and walked into my bedroom, walked over to my bed, falling over in the process, pulled my covers over me and laid down and closed my eyes.

*Charlotte’s POV*

I woke up and looked at the clock, it was half seven in the morning but Jade wasn’t in her bed? There was no way I was getting back to sleep, I got up brushed my hair, pulling it back into a messy bun, but neater then the one that was in my hair from the night. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, brushed my teeth and made my way downstairs. I got into the kitchen to find Tom standing there.

“Morning Charlotte.”

“Morning Tom! How did you sleep?”

“Not great, you?”

“It was alright until I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep.”

“Well you still look amazing! Would you like a cuppa?”

“If you’re making then yeah!”

“Hold up Tom, no one can beat my tea making skills” Nathan announced whilst walking in and interrupting mine and Tom’s conversation. Tom just glared at Nathan causing me to laugh.

“Okay, fine make 3 cuppa’s Nath! One for me, you and Charlotte!”

“Fine, Charlotte do you want any sugar in yours?”

“2 please Nath!”

“Okay, I’ll bring them into the front room, and I’ll put the milk away unlike Tom” Nathan shouted loud enough so Tom can hear it in the front room.

“Shut it flyboy!” Tom shouted back.

“No Tom tantrums this morning Parker.” Surprisingly there was no come back from Tom, I left Nathan to make the teas and joined Tom in the front room.

“Tom, have you seen Jade this morning?”

“Yeah, she said she was going out and she’ll be back soon, that was half an hour ago!”

“Okay, I’ll phone her! Thanks Tom.” As I picked up my phone off the table Nathan walked in with the tea’s, he placed one in front of Tom, another one next to that, and kept one back for himself.

“Thanks Sykes!” I said kissing his cheek and walking into the kitchen.

*Jay’s POV*

I rolled over, 8 in the morning, the front door slammed shut, causing me to wake. Argh, I better get up, I walked over to my cupboard in just my boxers, pulled out my jeans, top, and jacket and chucked it on, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and made my way downstairs, I could hear Jade and Katy talking so I decided to stop and listen in.

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