Part 8 - Liam.

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*Beth’s POV*

Siva would kill someone if he found me like this, I grabbed my things together, getting my make up bag and locking myself in the bathroom. I applied several layers of foundation before looking down.

“I can’t hide this for much longer.” I whispered to myself. I don’t want to lose mum, Kumar or Siva. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.


“Yes?” I answered politely; I wanted to see daylight today

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“To work”

“Fine. If you miss any of my calls I will find you then drag you back here.”

I nodded, not wanting a replay of last night’s events. I lied, I shouldn’t but there was no way I would be allowed to see Em.

From Ems:

You still coming round?

To Ems:

Yeah, leaving now, be about 5 minutes(:

From Ems:

Alright Beth! See ya soon!(:

I loved Em, even by texts she put a smile on my face, plus she’s the only person I know that has a famous brother that’s also my age, so whenever I get a chance to get out of the house I come to Emily, we moan about everything to each other, it’s quite funny actually. We cried, laughed, shared memories, embarrassing ones at that, together, but one thing, we’ve never argued, we’ve got the strongest relationship going at the moment and she’s knows everything, even about Liam. I hate the name, never will I let my daughter see a man like that or my sons become a man like that, I wouldn’t even call them a man. I sighed before making my way up the pathway to Emily’s house, I didn’t even knock and she opened the door, examining my face like every time I’m here. Of course we only met each other through Nathan and Siva but she’s been a huge influence on my life.

“Hiya Beth!”

“Hi Em!” we both smiled as she stepped side wards letting me get through the door. I followed her through to the front room making myself comfy on the cram sofa she had.

“So, you feeling better or are you getting worse?”

“Getting worse, my whole body feels as if it wasn’t to shut down and leave earth...” she cut me off sharply

“No way is that man taking my bestfriend from me! Beth, you have to get out of there.”

“I know, but now there’s a bigger problem...” I looked once again at my stomach

“Your not are you?” she sounded as shocked as I was, if not worse, her voice had gone high pitched and everything. I looked up, but not a Emily, I couldn’t bear to do this, I felt so bad, a tear rolled down my face as Emily gasped and pulled me into a hug, then that was it, I burst out, letting everything out, I cried for about an hour when we heard the car door slam outside, I looked up scared of who it was, turned out it was only Nathan, I rushed out to the bathroom, cleaning myself up, I heard a knock on the bathroom door, I looked in the mirror before opening the door to see Emily standing there, she smiled before taking my arm and dragging me back to the front room where Nathan has already turned over to Sky Sports. You and Emily laugh together before your distracted. You lose all happiness as you look out the window, there it is. The sliver ford with the same number plates, Emily realised and ran to Nathan, getting him to turn the TV off. I was still frozen to the spot. I see him get out the car, how did he find me?

*Siva’s POV*

I was sitting on the sofa, making Sim watch Star Wars for the 2nd time this week, when my phone went off, the first time I ignored it, it soon stopped then started ringing again

“Seev, I think you should get that” she said looking up at me with her gorgeous brown eyes.

“Alright, be back in a minute” I got up, kissing her forehead and leaving the room so I wouldn’t interrupt her programme. A minute ago, Beth was calling me then before that Emily; Nathan’s sister was calling me, now Nathan?

“Hiya Nath”

“Seev, get to Emily’s house now, bring the other guys and girls.”


“Just bring them, there’s someone outside after Beth, but make sure the girls are safe so don’t leave them at the house. Okay?”

“Can we drop them off at the studios with Jayne? Wouldn’t they be safer there?”

“Okay, just hurry, luckily everyone was somewhere in the house, I told them what was happening so we dropped the girls off, leaving them to explain what was happening with Jayne. Me and the boys, excluding Nathan jumped into the van, Kev driving, Max was telling him everything. I had so many questions running through my head... Was Beth okay? Why was he at Emily’s? How does he know Beth? Did he follow her? And many other things, I was snapped out of our thoughts when my phone rang. Caller ID – Nathan...

*Loty’s POV*

Right, so we’ve been left with Jayne because the boys have gone to see Beth – Siva’s sister – Emily – Nathan’s sister - and Nathan himself? They didn’t even explain properly the words they said rushed at us were

‘Guys, you’re staying with Jayne, we’ve got to go to Emily’s house, Nathan’s sister to help them, there’s a man after Beth, Siva’s sister. Just stay safe.’

They were the words spoken; me and the girls are so bored. Jayne’s speaking with other song writers so the girls and I decide to go and have a look at some of the songs that the boys have already prepared. Me and the girls look through the sheets together. All stopping at one, called ‘Personal Solider’ we all walked back to Jayne to ask if we could hear the song, as we knew it’d been recorded, it said on the top of the sheet. Probably so the boys didn’t forget what one’s they’ve recorded. Bless. After 5 pairs of puppy dog eyes at Jayne, she gave in. We listened to the first bit of the track, the starting was beautiful then Nathan singing, followed by the chorus. Then she left the track playing it then other songs kept playing. I never released how good they all were. It as 4pm and the others were messing in the recording studio, Jayne telling them how to work certain stuff. I started laughing when Sim was spinning on the chair in the corner and Charley thought it’d be funny to try and get her off. By jumping on her. But of course, Sim moved the chair, causing Charley to land on the floor, we was all in fits of laughter until we heard loads of footsteps, I turned towards Charlotte, looking hopeful. Jade was sat in the corner playing with her nails whilst the rest of us were stood awkward. All the boys walked in with Emily and Beth behind them, bless them, looked like they’d seen a ghost and Nathan wasn’t much better, Nathan being Nathan stood awkwardly in the corner on his own whilst we all had a conversation excluding Jade, Emily and Beth, they had gone to get drinks. I got up leaving the conversation and stood next to Nathan, he didn’t look at me, just stayed starting into space.

“Nath, you know you’re going to have to talk to her”

“Yes, but not now, I feel so bad, when you lot where downstairs the other day and Jade was in her room, I went to speak to her, instead we got into an argument...” he trailed off sounding a bit upset

“Nathan, I’ll speak to her, but you’re better off speaking to her sooner rather than later”

“I guess” this time he looked up at me hopeful, the boys decided best we go home, so I gathered up the stuff and walked towards the door, noticing Jade, Emily nor Beth had arrived back...

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