Part 14 - Getting ready.

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*Jade's POV*

I'm going on a date wth Nathaaaan! Woooo! Finally! I'm actually so childish, I woke up this morning and skipped downstairs before eating and then running back upstairs, obviously being me, managing to bash into him at some point, he just laughed and let me on my way. I can't wait! He told me to wear something I'm comfy in, jeans and a nice top? Sounds good, he said be ready for 7, I looked at the clock, it's now 12, I'll start getting ready at 5ish, I walked downstairs and see most of the girls and the boys sitting on the around in the living room, I went to sit on the floor but Nathan pulled me onto his lap, I didn't resist, it's quiet sweet of him, I sat back, my head leaning on his shoulder, I looked uup and smiled, he kissed my forehead, I focused back on the TV well tried too, the girls were making faces from the other side of the room, I ignored them and snuggled further into Nathan's chest, making Tom say some sarcastic comment and Nathan telling him to stop picking on the younger ones. We go to Croatia in 4 days and I can't wait, I've packed somethings, but me and the girls are going shopping tomorrow to get some things, then 2 days to pack our stuff for the new house, we haven't got that much considering it was only supposed to be a 3 week stay. I smiled as I looked at the time, this is taking foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever! So we settled down and started watching a film again.

*Loty's POV*

After mine and Katy's conversation last night I had to get out, I walked down to the main road, and from there on I walked until I reached the familiar place, the cemetery, the only place I used to come when I was upset, as soon as I got old enough, around 15, I brought a train ticket thing that allowed me to get a train as much as I wanted to, I used to come here and let it all out, when I had arguments with my mum or dad, this is where I would come, only Jade knew about this, well all of the girls knew I had an older and younger sister, they were buried in London not because we wanted them far away but because they'd be in a place they loved, well my mum and dad tried to forget about them and told me never to mention them, this was at the age of 13, I told my close friends, until it slipped out in front of the wrong people during a conversation. It ended up that they'd torment me about it everyday, stuff like they deserve to be dead, or they probably wanted to be dead because of they had a sister like me, some would get worse saying that they'd find the grave and ruin it, or my mum and dad were the ones who killed them. None of it was true but it still got to me, they didn't deserve to die and my sisters always told me they loved me, no-one ever found the grave and my parents certainly did not kill my sisters, in fact my two sisters were together at the time, my older sister, Lily, was 20, and my younger sister, Grace, was 6, they were in a car crash, someone was drink-driving, I was supposed to go with them that day but I was ill so my mum wouldn't allow it, I convinced them to go without me, I still feel guilty, I mean, if I didn't convince them then no-one would of died, my mum and dad blamed me too, hence the reason I spent most of my time out, anywhere but home! I always come here to clear my head, it helped, I felt like they were there to help me.

*Sim's POV*

The way Siva planned last night was amazing! It was so sweet, I honestly can say, that it's been the best date I've been on, well other then the last date I went on with him when he asked him to be my girlfriend. That was amaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzing! I also think he's telling fans tonight which I'm super scared about, I mean, what if they don't like me? I normally don't care but if me and Seev turn out to be a long term thing - which I hope - I'd rather the majority of his fans like me then hate me, but to be honest I'm glad he's announcing it now not when their fanbase is super big! And he must think we'll last if he's telling the fans right? Hopefully! Fingers crossed. We're all sat around waiting for 5 to come so we can help Jade get ready, well I say we're all, I mean me and the girls, not the boys obviously! At least he finally asked her, it's super cute, at least he won't treat her like Mark did and she deserves happiness! Like all of the other girls, but it looks like, one by one, we're getting it, first Tom and Charlotte, then me and Siva, then Jay and Loty, Jade and Nathan now we're waiting on Max and Charley and I'm pretty sure they'll get together. They'd be the cutest couple, plus all the rest of course, I just can't believe within under 3 weeks we would of been on holiday for two weeks and we'll all be living together, Max spoke to Kirsten and Tom spoke to Jodie and they agreed to move too, it's going to be amazing! I'm just so glad I've met all of the girls as well as the boys. Ah, Loty's home, I think she went for a walk, probably to think over everything, don't blame her, it's all been a bit hectic, she does this a lot, she'll go for a walk and return later, better then before she left, and I like that about her, she doesn't normally lash out, she'll take herself off for a walk. I respect her privacy, and so do the rest of them, I know about her sisters and I also know that wrecked her confidence levels. I just hope nothing can wreck it again now.

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