Part 11 - Drinking games.

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*Tom's POV*

I text Jods back straight away, 

To Jodie:

That was rude. And no, I don't need a doctor, I just like her more then I've liked anyone else for a long time... And course you can come round! Since when has it not been alright?;-) It gives you a chance to get to know Charlotte better:) See you later! 

I smiled as I turned to Charlotte, who was also typing away on her phone,

"Jodie's coming over later!"

"Oh, I knew that!"

"What? Wait, how?"

"I've been texting her..."

"How did you get her number?"

"Off your phone silly" she giggled, so I poked her nose, making her giggle even more, she smiled and slipped her hand into mine. 

*Siva's POV*

Sim's just got back from her 'shopping spree', with hundreds of bags, ok, that was exaggeration, but there's still loads of bags, with loads of clothes. It's 5pm now, 1 hour and 30 minutes until I have to be ready. I left Nathan and Jade to set up the last few bits and Loty came back with me to help calm my nerves, anyone would think I'm getting married looking at the state I'm in... I pulled myself off the sofa after saying 'hi' to Beth and Sim, and went off to my bedroom to have a shower.

*Charley's POV*

Me, Em, Beth and Sim all just got back in from shopping, I didn't really pay attention to much after Max text me earlier. Sim caught on but left it thank god, I'm nervous, but what for? I've never been this nervous before. I went upstairs into the room to help Sim get ready for her date with Siva before having the chat with Max, that he wanted.

*Jay's POV* 

I had to get out, I'm stressing over nothing. It's not even mine! I started walking home, but stopped in the park, maybe this was supposed to happen, maybe this is what helps me recognise my feelings, I don't know. I sat down on the bench, fiddling with my fingers, it's starting to get dark but I'm not ready to go back and face everyone, my phone was buzzing so I took it out of my pocket, at least I haven't lost it like usual, I had several messages and calls from Katy. I don't even want to look at her anymore, maybe this is the end?

*Sim's POV* 

6:25, and I'm adding the finishing touches, I'm wearing a red summer dress that stopped mid knee, Charley curled ny hair whilst Loty found me some shoes, her being the fashion expert. She handed me them and I slipped my feet into them, she also knew what Siva had planned so she told me if what I was wearing was apporiate. It was thank god. 6:27, 3 minutes. 3 whole bloody minutes, time went fast when I was getting ready, causing me to panic, but now I am, it's taking forever, I was mid- conversation, when I was called from downstairs, Charlotte handed me my sunglasses and phone. Why would I need sunglasses?

*Charlotte's POV*

Siva's whole face lit up when we walked into the living room, yet when he see Sim his mouth opened, she looked up to him - noting the height difference there - and smiled, he whispered something into her ear to make her blush, he smiled and grasped her hand before saying bye and walking out. The rest of uswatched them get into the car that was waiting outside for them before the drove off, then Tom wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek, resting his head on my shoulder.

"What's everyone doing tonight?" Max asked, trying to make a conversation, 

"Erm, Jods is coming over!" Tom replied before smiling at me, he released himself from my waist and wondered off into the kitchen, he wandered back with a bottle of vodka and his phone.

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