Part 22 - The day after yesterday.

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*Em's POV*

I managed to get myself out of bed, Beth must of helped me home yesterday, considering she couldn't drink - due to carrying the baby. I had a massive headache, to be honest I shouldn't of drunk but it was New Years Eve, everyone drinks! And mum had already said I could. I walked to the bathroom, looking in the mirror, I looked a right state. I grabbed the wipes and removed the make-up from last night, I grabbed the hairbrush, pulling my brown hair into a messy bun, I looked a tiny but better. I walked through to the kitchen Beth was up and cooking already, I didn't realise it was noon. She took one look at me before giggling, opening the cupboard door and chucking a packet of headache tablets. I took two with a glass of fresh orange juice before dragging myself to the living room, collapsing on the sofa and switching Jeremy Kyle on. After 5 minutes Beth walked in, holding two plates, she handed one to me before sitting next to me, I looked at the plate, bacon sandwich. I started to eat it, feeling slightly sick - but carrying on anyways - when the doorbell rung.

*Beth's POV*

I couldn't help but laugh at the state of Em, she was so drunk last night, I ended up getting Siva to help her into the flat, well he picked her up and put her on her bed before kissing my cheek and returning to the party across the road. I laughed even more causing Em to glare at me. I finished eating and walked to the kitchen to wash up my plate. The doorbell rung and I couldn't hear Em get up so I went to open it myself, I walled over, unlocking the door as I reached it. I opened it to see Siva and Nathan standing there, I opened the door fully, stepping aside and letting them in. They walked in, stopping in the hallway, sliding if their shoes and walking through to living room. I closed the door, and followed the boys through to the front room. I was meeting with the couple that would adopt my baby, to tell them the sex. They wanted a little boy and that was what I had been blessed with. I can't believe I found a couple, willing to take a baby, with such a father. But it'll never know his dad. All the rest now knew about the baby and the plan, all agreeing to keeping this out of the press and the public. I left the boys to pester Em whilst I went to get changed. I decided on a pair of jeans and my over sized rolling stones top. Now the baby bump is starting to become more visible, I have to wear bigger stuff so no-one suspects anything. 

*Nathan's POV*

Jade's my girlfriend finally. Last night was amazing. I've got all I wanted, the dream job,  Jade, and a great group of friends. Jayne's warned us that we've got a massive tune to release soon. I can't wait! It's not one we've written but still. I know we're starting to plan the next tour early next year now we've finished the Behind Bars tour. Me and Siva are now pestering Em at her and Beth's flat, she drunk way more then she should of but it's new years eve, I just won't tell mum how bad she was.

"Stop poking me you sloth." she mumbled,

"Best come back you've got Em?" raising me voice deliberately as she has a massive headache,

"No. Just stop shouting, poking, talking, just stop it all okay? Now why are you even here?" she asked, mumbling once again,

"I wanted to see how bad you were suffering after the amount you drunk last night" I laughed,

"I'm suffering okay Nath? Never let me drink that much again." I nodded; she turned her attention back in the sofa so I got up and left. I jogged across the road to the house, pushing the key in and turning the lock, letting myself in. Max was taking down decorations, Tom was having another TomTantrum. Siva was picking up the mess whilst Charley and Sim was tidying and cleaning the kitchen. I avoided the cleaning stage and jogged upstairs to see if Jade was awake.

*Charley's POV*

Me and Sim were catching up whilst doing the washing up as none of the boys have been bothered to do it. We were giggling as I was drying up, I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. I turned round and pecked Max on the lips, I caught Sim wink and smile at us so I poked my tongue out at her, she giggled and started talking,

"You two are so cute."

"Aw, thanks." I smiled once again,

"Max, just saying... Zara was a bitch!" I giggled, I haven't seen Zara since Max told her it was over, at least she's done what he asked and left her alone,

"She was." Max agreed, we heard Jade's giggles from upstairs,

"The baby's all grown up." Jay stated walking into our conversation, Loty soon joined as well as Siva, Tom had gone back up to see Charlotte and Nathan had come down to make Jade a tea.

"Oh, Jade thirsty?" Jay asked winking. Loty blushed at his crude comment, slapping Jay's chest playfully. He chuckled and Loty walked through to the front room, leaving Jay in case he made any more comments.

"Jay, shut up!" Nathan said, his back to us, you could tell he was blushing; he finished making the teas, turned back round, two cups in hand and his head down. He disappeared back upstairs, leaving us to carry on our conversation.

*Loty's POV*

Jay is so dirty. I walked away before he made any more comments, flicking on Jeremy Kyle on ITV+1, I was watching peacefully...

"I love this show!" Tom half shouted from behind me, making me jump, I looked round, he was laughing at me.

"It's not funny Tom!"

"Yes, it is!"

"No it's not."

"Erugh. Shut up." My hangover wasn't that bad, well not as bad as Tom's would of been, he passed out on the floor last night so that’s were we left him, this morning? We placed earphones in his ear and played All Time Low full. It was funny, he started having a tantrum so I went back up to bed, luckily Charley caught it on the flip so it'll never be forgotten, Tom moaned that his head hurts and went through to the kitchen I ended up laying across the three seater sofa, watching Jeremy Kyle.

*Charlotte's POV*

Tom went downstairs leaving me to get dressed and washed. 5 minutes later I walked downstairs I walked downstairs Jay was looking at Loty, I smiled as I watched him, he grabbed a blanket laid it over her and kissed her head, she smiled softly a snuggled down again. I walked through to the kitchen and found everyone else there; we spoke about everything between the 9 of us - Loty still asleep - we joked whilst Jay and Tom made crude comments. We ended up all sitting in the conservatory waiting for food, Loty had woken up but instead of joining us she'd gone back upstairs to bed, Jay following her to keep her company. After 20 minutes the food arrived, I went upstairs to see if Jay or Loty wanted any. I walked in and they were asleep, Loty on her side, facing away from Jay and Jay's arm was over Loty, in a protective way, I smiled to myself and closed the door behind me quietly making sure I didn't wake them. I jogged back downstairs and sat between Max and Tom, I looked round. Everyone who I cared about was with me - well in the house... Anyway I can't wait for the year ahead of us; it's going to be amazing.

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