Chapter 56: Source

Start from the beginning

"It's not the matter of what but more who." Interrupting Namjoon's pep-talk, a small figure stepped out from a corner to reveal herself. 

Quickly switching his gaze to face the source of the voice, Jungkook's nose scrunched in anger. "You much be the person who caused hyung to go into a hallucination." Holding his ground in front of the rest of the team, Jungkook's eyes followed the figures every movement. 

"The names~"

 "Haejung." Yoongi spat, finishing her sentence off for her. "I see you haven't changed one bit. Still using your pathetic tricks to mess with the mind of your enemy." Pivoting around with a sigh, it was like the guilt written Yoongi from a few seconds never existed. Instead, he stood with up straight, his hands in his pockets. 

"And I see you still like to spout shit." Voice equally venomous as Yoongi's, Haejung glared at him. 

Yoongi couldn't deny what the younger had said so he simply shrugged. He allowed his tongue to glide across the inside of his cheek as his gaze panned the female in front of him. "You too much of a coward to face me~us face on? You result to playing your pathetic mind games?" To say he was mad at the female standing in front of him would be an understatement. 

She was the one who separated the only biological family he had left. 

She was the one who turned his own family member against him

She was the one who fed his twin false information and painted him the bad guy.

She was the one who took away one of the only things that kept him sane

She was the sole person who single-handedly ruined his life

Because of her Yoongi spent the rest of his life downing with guilt. There was not one-day Yoongi spent outside of the facility regretting that fact that he left his only family member behind. Her sweet smile would always be the last thing he would see before he went to bed. The happy memories he shared with her buried under the blankets of guilt. 

He should have stayed behind to protect her as he promised.

He should have stayed behind to find her.

With every mission he completed he carried the guilt with him. Hoseok tried to help him but it was only when you came did he finally came to terms with his past and begin looking forward to what his future held. Bangtan also helped. It took a while for Yoongi to accept and trust others but once he did with Bangtan he didn't regret it once. You, Hoseok, the boys became his coping mechanism. Maybe he did have one thing to thank her for.

"So it is you." Winding his arm back, Taehyung stepped out from behind Jungkook. He movements where fast as he neared Haejung with his fist...but not fast enough. Before he knew it he was sent tumbling to the floor.

"V!" Whipping his attention towards the new figure which had emerged from behind the wall. Jungkook eyed the person who had sent his friend to the floor.

"Hello there." A low chuckle bubbled up from the bottom of the male's throat as he massaged his wrist - the hand he used to punch Taehyung with. "Fancy seeing you four here." The cockiness that laced the voice of the male made Jungkook growl with annoyance. From the corner of his eye, he could see Namjoon helping his younger up from the ground. Just the sight of the man in front of him made him angry. "Who kn~" 

His attention was no longer on the female.

Shutting the man up with a punch to the face, Jungkook winded his other arm back to inflict another blow but was stopped.

"Ah, I wasn't done talking little boy." Nose scrunching in disgust, Jungkook stared at the hand which preventing him from punching. Moving quickly, Jungkook roughly pulled his restricted wrist down and kneed the male where the sun doesn't shine but was stopped once again.

"What the frick, Seagull's attacks have never been stopped like that before." With the help of Namjoon, Taehyung whipped the small trickle of blood flowing down his chin.

"What are you?" Now with both hands held in place, Jungkook had nowhere to go which forced him to watch a smirk makes its way into the male's lips.

A soft groan of pain escaped Jungkook's lips when the grip around his fists tightened. His eyes momentarily fell to take a look at the hand that engulfed his. This only made the male in front of him laugh harder. "You but better." The male did not give Jungkook any time to reply as he quickly raised his foot and kicked Jungkook in the stomach, sending him to the floor.

Jungkook quickly held his right arm back to cushion his impact with the tiled floors. "You are Jeon Jungkook if I am not mistaken." Standing tall over Jungkook, the male sent the latter a slanted smile. "Haejung had told me about your gift." He shifted his gaze from Jungkook to the other three and chuckled. "I would like to say we are equally matched but unfortunately~" Lifting himself off the floor as the male continued to talk, Jungkook attempted to knee him in the chest. "We aren't." And with that, a dark shade of grey began to replace his normal skin, the texture heavily resembling iron.

Just as Jungkook's knee came on contact with the man's chest he was grabbed roughly by the neck and pinned to the wall. The impact caused Jungkook's head to jolt forward as he coughed violently in pain. "Even bullets have trouble piercing through this."

I am sorry this chapter is up a little later than usual

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I am sorry this chapter is up a little later than usual. I had to finish up some homework before I could publish a new chapter today. 

I hope you all liked it though :)

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