Chapter 50- pitiful honesty

Start from the beginning

              "Well you didn't shove him into a car. Your bruise is really bad." She retorts.

              "Something really bad must've just happened to him, given his reaction from the phone call. He should've controlled his temper with you, but I'm fine."

             "No, he's always on your case and getting pissed at you for nothing. All you are is nice to him, why is he so difficult?" She says, looking more annoyed by the second.

             "You don't have to defend me."

            "I'm not defending you because you're my best friend, I'm doing it because you're the innocent one and he's being an asshole."

             I feel bad for chuckling. "Fair enough."

            "And it's just..." She begins, her words trailing off. She averts her gaze so she's not looking me in the eye.

            "Hm?" I ask, curious what's on her mind.

            She stares at the sheets, not sure if she should continue. "Just talk to me." I say, wishing she wouldn't feel so conflicted just to tell me something.

             She shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath. "I know you won't be mad, but I just feel so bad, although it couldn't really get worse for you, but that's the whole point of not-"

              "You guys are together." I finish for her, sparing her the burden of saying it. She shuts her eyes tighter and sighs in defeat, and that's answer enough. I force myself not to look the least bit surprised or disappointed. But it hurts, it always will.

                "I'm sorry I-"

              "There's nothing to apologize for." I cut her off, pulling a neutral face. Being happy about it would be a straight up lie, but I want to try and seem supportive. "Congrats."

               She slowly opens her eyes but still doesn't look at me. "He asked me just this morning before we left, and within the day everything's already gone to shit." She says sorrowfully.

            "Was it romantic? How he asked you?" I ask with a small smile, nudging her. She doesn't grin back.

         "I really don't want to talk about this."

         "Hold up, don't you remember whenever we were in 5th grade and we promised to tell each other every detail about how we were first asked out, or proposed to, or our first kiss, and all that kinda stuff?"

                She finally cracks a small smile and looks at me. "You made that promise, I told you that I wouldn't date anybody till I was 25."

            "Even your mom didn't believe that." I tease. "And I kept it, right? In 6th grade I bragged about how Mina passed me a note during 6th period asking me out." I say in a playfully cocky tone.

              "And I lectured you afterward about how you should focus on your studies instead." She says, chuckling. "You still should, romance is unnecessary."

              I raise my eyebrows. "Says you." She blushes and smacks my forehead, and she squirms as poke her stomach. "Well I was still very focused on school while dating her. I didn't actually like her." I whisper like it's a secret.

            "I know that now." She says, eyes sad. We just look at each other for a few moments, and she sighs, giving in to my request. "Okay, well it was kind of sweet..." She begins. I grin, happy she's opening up to me. I'd rather her be honest than pitiful.

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