Answers & Be Positive

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Stiles's POV

        "Would you like some tea?", asks Noshiko.

        " No. We want answers. I want to know how to cure Jenny and how we can defeat the Nogitsune", I demand.

        " Stiles", Jenny says with a glare.

        " They're not safe here", says Mr. Yukimura.

        " They're not safe anywhere", Noshiko replies.

        " Well Allison killed one of them. She killed an Oni. Is that even possible?", questions Kira.

        "I'm not sure", says Noshiko.

        " Well I do", Jenny speaks up. She used a silver arrow. The arrow went into the Oni and it killed them. It's the same thing that's killing me."

        " I'm going to tell Scott", says Kira

        " Allison is dead, Jenny is dying and I guess the only good thing is that I'm dying as well", I say,

        " The nogitsune made a strong move splitting up the two of you.", says Noshiko reassuringly.

        " Well than what's our next move? It seems like we're at a dead end, like there's no other moves to make", says Jenny

        " What you need is a divine move.", says Mr. Yukimura.

        " What's that?", I ask.

        " In the game of gock. It's an out of the box move. The Nogitsune has had the advantage at this point. What you need is a divine move in order to turn the game around", Mr Yukimura explains.

        " Mom you said that you trapped it in a glass bottle right?", asks Kira.

        " Yes but it didn't matter what I put it in. It's where I buried it", Noshiko says.

        " The Nemeton."

        " The place I don't know too much about."

        " Who would know a lot about it?", questions Kira

        " Deaton. Deaton does", I say.

        " Thank you Noshiko for all your help", says Jenny.

        " No problem and I'm sorry about your brother", Noshiko says.

        " Yeah me too", says Jenny before her and I walk out the door.

Jenny's POV

        Stiles pulls up to my now empty and lonely house.

        " Do you want me to stay with you?", asks Stiles.

        " No I need to be alone for a second but don't worry I'll be there to help you fight", I say.

        " Alright but after all this mess we really need to talk and I mean really", Stiles says in a serious tone.

        " If we make it out of this mess than sure we can talk", I say.

        " Jenny think positive. In this kind of situation we need to stay positive", says Stiles reassuringly

        " I'll try. I'll see you later Stiles.", I say before closing the door.

        I slowly walk upstairs and enter into Sean's room. I start to look around. I look at his pictures that he had hung up on his wall that I never bothered to look at. There was a picture of him and Zoey when they had their 1 year anniversary and there was picture of the whole family when we were celebrating his 13th birthday, we went to the movies and saw this lame horror movie that made the whole family laugh hysterically. That will be forever one of my favorite memories we had as a somewhat normal family. I turn away from the pictures.

        I start to feel a sharp pain in my chest. It feels like someone is stabbing me repeatedly with a knife. I was running out of time.

        I leave my brothers room and walk out of my house and into my car. I had to go to Deaton's and meet up with Lydia and Scott.

        I arrive at the animal shelter where I see Lydia, Scott, Kira and Stiles.

        " Great we're all here, I say sarcastically. Did you guys get the same feeling?"

        "The feeling that we're running out of time than yes", says Lydia.

        " Well than we better get going. Don't want to keep a certain person waiting."

        " Wait Jenny, you can't come. You're staying here with Deaton so he can find a cure", says Stiles

        " That's out of the question. I'm not just going to sit around and possibly find a cure while you guys are fighting the Nogitsune who I must remind you again is my dad", I say.

        " I know Jenny and I know you're tough but can't you consider that you could die if you don't stay here. I'm only thinking about you and what's right for you Jenny", says Stiles with a pleading look.

        " Stiles I'm going and that's that", I say.

        " Well than let's get into the jeep we have no time to waste", says Scott.

        We all nod and we all get into our vehicles and drive to the school.

        I pull up to the school and see Stiles struggling to stay on his feet. I quickly get out of my car and ran to Stiles just in time to catch him before falling.

        " Thanks", he says before grabbing on to my waist for support.

        We all walk to the school doors. I grab on to the handles about to open the doors until Stiles speaks up.

        " Wait. I know what you're all thinking. If we kill him does it kill me? Well I don't care if I have the possibility of dying. He needs to be killed no matter the cost", Stiles says.

        " Think positive Stiles", I said with a smirk.

        I open the doors leading us to god knows what to prepare for but we went inside and prepared whatever will be thrown at us. This will end now.

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