Trying to find Stiles once again & Feeling terrified

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Jenny's POV

        " So you're saying that dad actually planned to kill mom and you? That makes no sense. Why would he do that?", Sean asks.

        " He knows that mom and I were to powerful and could stop him from the evil he would do in the future. He hired Laura to kill mom and I, so when he explains it to you he doesn't look like the bad guy. He killed mom and now I'm starting to die as well", I explain.

        " What! How do you know?", asks Sean

        " When I was in that nut house I went to help Stiles get into the basement. He said that he remembered going there when he was sleepwalking. I went down to help him and when I got to the basement I saw Stiles with a girl named Malia. They were making out on some dusty couch. I ran out of the basement where dad appeared. He stuck a needle in me and said that he was going to finish what he started. I'm immune to most poisons and wolfsbane but I can feel myself getting weaker and time will tell when it's too late and I'll be dead."

        " If you're immune to most things than what did that bastard put in you?", Sean asks in an angry tone.

        " I don't know but I can feel it course through my veins. It's painful in the inside", I say.

        " Well we need to take you to your friends or a doctor! Someone who can help you find a cure!", Sean says frantically.

        " No! You can't tell anyone! Especially Scott or any of my other friends. They already are having a hard time trying to get Stiles back to normal. They shouldn't have to worry about me and finding a cure", I say.

        " I'm not letting you die. You know that right?", says Sean pulling up to the house.

        I nod my head and walk into the house to catch up on my sleep for a little bit.

        " Jenny wake up."

        " Allison? What are you doing here?", I say still half asleep.

        " I need your help to find Stiles", Allison says.

        I get up from my bed and follow Allison to her car and drive to her house to make a plan.

        " So this is everything non lethal that we have", says Allison showing all her weapons.

        " What's the plan?", asks Sheriff Stilinski.

        "Derek is going to try and pick up Stiles's scent at Eichen house", says Chris.

        " Should everyone be going to the same place?", asks Sheriff Stilinski.

        " Well where else has Stiles been?", I ask.

        " School, hospital", says Allison

        " Hold on. This is what he wants. He wants everyone all together looking for him. You guys are trying to think where stiles would be. This isn't stiles, it's void stiles. While you guys are trying to figure it out he already is one step ahead", I say.

        " Listen, I understand if anyone wants to back out", says Sheriff Stilinski

        " Not me I have some things I want to say to Stiles", I say.

        " I'm not going to be the first wolf to run away from a fox", says Derek

        " Alright, Derek and Chris, you guys go to Eichen house. Allison, Sheriff and I will check the hospital and we will meet at the school discuss.", I say before walking out the door to find Stiles.

        " I don't know how you guys do it. You're all so strong", says Sheriff in the hospital elevator.

        " Sometimes you just have to be strong for the people around you even though inside your scared to death", I say.

        " You're both so fearless though and I'm surprised you keep up your grades", says Sheriff.

        " I'm failing Econ", says Allison.

        " Coaches class?", I ask.

        " Yeah", Allison says.

        " Are you okay Allison?", I ask seeing her start to tear up.

        " I'm not. I'm not Strong like you are Jenny. I try to act tough but I'm so scared that something is going to go wrong. How do you do it?", Allison asks.

        " Honestly I try to keep my emotions inside so I don't come off as weak but inside I'm terrified. I'm terrified that something will happen to Stiles. I'm terrified that something is going to happen to my friends and I'm terrified that I'm just going to fail everyone in the end ,but I try and stay ahead of what's going on so I know what might come ahead", I say trying to comfort Allison.

        I hear a buzz from someone's phone.

        " What's that?", I ask.

        " Someone is breaking into my house, says Sheriff Stilinski getting his phone out. After Stiles started sleep walking I put a whole security system around the house allowing me to see what's going on."

        " It's Stiles", I say looking at Sheriff's phone.

        We all get out of the elevator and get into Allison's car to drive to Stiles's house.

        " What's all this? And what's up with all the sticky notes?", asks Chris referring to the chess board

        " This is how Stiles told me all about the supernatural", Sheriff Stilinski says.

        " Maybe it's a message or a clue from Stiles", Allison suggests.

        " Is there any reason why my name is on the king?", asks Derek

        " Well it looks like you're heavily guarded, but you're almost in checkmate, so it could mean you could be in trouble.", I point out.

        " Well isn't it strange that Jenny is the only person who is not on the board", asks Chris.

        " I have a couple of theories why, but I don't think this is a message from Stiles. I think it's from the nogitsune", I say.

        " He's at the loft, is what he's trying to tell us", Allison says.

        " He wants us to go there.", says Chris.

        " Nights almost fallen.", adds Derek.

        " It's looking more and more like a trap", says Allison.

        " I don't think so. Here me out the nogitsune is a trickster spirit. All it wants is to play a trick. The killing is a byproduct", Sheriff Stilinski explains.

        " Are you trying to say it won't kill us because I'm not feeling confident about that.", says Derek.

        " He won't it wants irony. It wants to play a joke. We just have to think of a different punch line", says Sheriff Stilinski.

        " What do you have in mind?", asks Chris

        Sheriff explains the whole plan to us. Everyone begins to leave to go to the loft, but I decide to stay in Stiles's room for a little bit to examine the board more and think what he could actually be doing. I look at the window and notice that it was almost night and the Oni would be coming.

        " Of course! He wants us there not to kill us or play a trick but to protect him!", I realize.

        I run to my car and drive to the loft, hoping that I wouldn't be too late.

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