She trembled a small whimper leaving her lips, but she knew better then to speak. When she heard his chair move she held her breath. Soon his shiny shoes coming into her view. With a harsh grip he moved her lifted her head.

"Apologize!" He hissed.

"I'm sorry Emery." She spoke with distaste.

"Emery will you excuse us, it seems like Taraji has something she wants to tell me." He spoke giving his suit. His eyes followed her out, clicking a button on his little remote his blinds came down shielding them from sunlight.

"Sit down, I don't want hear a word from you. Right out your problem, explaining to me why you feel like behaving this way will get you somewhere. Your reasoning will determine what happens this weekend." He spoke eyeing her darkly, her mouth dropped as a pout over came her.

"But..." A hard swat from his hand to her ass stopped her. She felt the harsh sting through her cloths.

"Sit, Shut up. Simple." He spat, he watched her toss herself into a chair and pout. He rolled his eyes choosing to ignore her. After 30 minutes of her doing nothing he asked he grew angry. He knew exactly what he was gonna practice this weekend.

He sent her home with a single text that night. Just a few simple requests. She was to drink plenty of water, and be prepared to stay the whole weekend. A whole 3 days with him since the office was closed on Friday. She was pissed, she had plans to hangout with her best friend. He shut that down with a quickness.

Over the course of two days she earned herself three spankings in his office for her behavior. He was growing increasingly shorthanded with her. So Friday morning when she awoke she debated wether or not to leave her house. Being a bitch at the office was different, he always held a reserved attitude. Being at his home was a different story.

As she sat she realized just what kind of check she cashed. Her steps into his home were slow, it was as if he was waiting around the corner. Goosebumps arose on her skin as she peered around the dimly lit home. She clutched her overnight bag tighter. A single note on the cofee table that said strip and crawl. She did so leaving herself in just a bra and panties.

Neatly setting her stuff down in the corner she got on her hands and knees crawling through the house. The cold floor harsh on her skin. She felt him before he made hiself know. He was watching her from somewhere. Everything went dark in seconds. He had flipped all lights off leaving her to find her way to his bedroom. She jumped when she felt something brush down her back. She realized he had a whip with thick tassels, she whimpered knowing the covered more area.

Suddenly she felt the whip hit her. She cried out squeezing her legs close falling back on her but. The whip had smacked her right between her legs hitting one if her most sensitive body parts. She felt no pleasure from that till the sting turned to a low him from her clit. She looked around in the pitch black darkness knowing he had to be close, but he moved with such Grace he was like an assassin. She sat afraid her hit her again.

He watched adding more hits to his 10 with every minute she sat. This was her punishment for this week, he never took it this far as to hit her between her legs yet but he realized that him being soft as you could say wasn't teaching her a thing. She was messing with her head, a few months ago she would have had a black and blue ass for the stuff she did now. He was letting her get away with too much.

She started crawling again this time slower trying to listen to everything. He grinned bring the whip down again. He received the same reaction, she thought she could just rush to save herself but that only caused her more pain from her knees hitting the floor that hard. Along with the whip pain because he kept up with her. He had reached 10 in not time, she still had 5 more to go from stopping.

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