Chapter Sixteen; Short and Sweet

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Chapter Sixteen; Short and Sweet

Dear Samantha,

2 weeks later.

"Do you trust me?" He hovered over me, his lips brushing mine each time he spoke. I shivered, as he lowered his head to my neck, kissing my jawline.

I wrapped both my arms around his neck, gripping his high ponytail, feeling the soft ends of his dreadlocks. My head shook in response to his question, and I managed a whispered; 'no.'

"What reasons do I give you not to trust me?" His breath clashed against my skin in heated, rapid seconds, making it hard for me to focus.

With soft moans escaping me, I arched up into his chest, and tightened my grip around his neck. I didn't want to talk, I wanted to silently lay in his embrace and forget.

I find myself wishing to forget everyday. Forget that Isaac told me anything, that Hayden had ever showed me those pictures.

More shocking, Hayden was becoming less and less rigid each day. That barrier is being broken down, brick by brick. I always thought he'd be the last one to tell me anything about their 'business', but he was actually the only one who trusted me with information that exclusive.

"Alana?" He pushed up from me, and I slumped beneath him.


"Tell me." He bent forward, and pressed his lips to mine, quickly. Too quickly. While I pouted, he grinned, those dimples I rarely got to see exposing themselves.

Biting down on my bottom lip, I fought an urge to grab his face and force his lips onto mine.

"I just don't know you, not like I want to. . ." I say. "Everything there is to know about a person, I want to know about you."

I watched as one side of his full lips lifted in a mocking smirk.

"What makes you think you deserve that?"

"Because I want to be more than this . . ." I trailed off, as he raised up from me and sat back. I pushed up, as well, pulling my legs as close to my chest as I could manage before resting my chin on my knees.

"You wanna be my girl, Alana?" He was asking me to be his, but he was also confirming. Neither of us would force a relationship that wasn't desired.

My head nodded up and down against my knees, and he threw his head back, grinning, running his hands down his face. He looked to me, and i couldn't help but notice how excited he appeared. I giggled.

He was all over me, again. Pressing his fist into the bed covers to support himself, he crawled over me and wrapped a hand around my neck, all while dodging my lips and catering to my collarbone. He was careful not to choke me, but the feel of his hands over my neck was undoubtedly enticing. He sucked, licked and kissed me, until my hips were circling his pelvis.


His phone beeped twice, interrupting.

* * *

He stared at his phone, clench jawed, slit eyes.

"What does it say?" Beneath him, Alana fought to regain her composure. Her heart beats against her chest uncontrollably, as a moment of clarity overtakes her. If his phone had never rung, they would have had sex.

To her surprise, he stood up, and handed his phone over. She watched while he slid on a jacket and a pair of shoes, before glancing down at his screen.

There was no name, only a number.

Meet us in front of Kenzie Highschool in 15. We found him.

She frowned as he turned to face his dresser, his back to her. He fumbled inside for a moment before pulling out another cellphone.

"I don't understand. . . What's going on?"

He crossed over to her, and took his first phone from her hands, before bending over her and kissing her lips briefly.

"Stay here." Was the last thing he told her before leaving his room, and leaving his other phone in her hand.

But as soon as she saw his car drive off, she was throwing on her own large black sweater, and pair of shoes. She was on the next bus back to Kenzie with Marie in her arms, and Hayden's phone in her bra.

* * *

Ducked behind one or two large bushes, she cradled Marie against her chest. A white man dressed strangely stood with his back facing her, while Hayden, Ty and Ethan stood opposite him, watching him.

Hayden's hands rested in the pockets of his sweatpants, Ty's were clamped together at the back of his neck, and Ethan's ran over each other as he nodded at something they were discussing.

"You give, I give. I'll tell you. . . But it won't be. . . A price. Find. . ." He voice lowered and increased in volume, but Alana struggled to piece together his message. ". . . In Grove territory. . . With Crystal. . . Dark skin, and blue eyes. Your mother. . . Been a long time. . . Good to see you boys again. . . All grown up." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small picture, and presented it to the three boys.

"Find her."

Alana froze, just as Marie's head lifted from her shoulder. They had both recognized the voice now.

Marie twisted in Alana's grip.

"Dad?" She whispered, just as James shoved the photo into Ty hands. Hayden's jaw clenched, Ethan shook his head, and Ty paced, as James slid into a brand new car.

Alana turned away, and immediately headed back to the nearest bus stop.

She would return to Grove, as if she knew nothing, and she would truly try to forget this time.



I have so many great ideas for this story! I don't want to end it but I'm dying to get to the good parts! You guys won't believe what's coming next.

And what do you think of Hayden and Alana officially making it official?

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