Chapter 3; Hope?

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Chapter 3; Hope?

"I can't thank you enough Ms. Crystal."

"Well, I couldn't let you sleep on that bench another night."

Alana had successfully held out for a week, though even then she could not protest once more when Crystal walked past her bench in the park, offering a home to reside in, and food at any moment it was desired. Alana considered her presence possibly becoming a burden, as she seemed to consistently bring out the worst in people, but she'd also pondered upon how immensely rare Crystal's proposal was.

Despite her doubts pertaining the future, Alana nodded her head in favor of Crystal's proposition. She was secretly happy to have agreed.

The only thing that crossed her mind was her baby sister, Marie. She'd left her with her father with intentions to take her back when she had her own apartment. For a moment, she didn't seem to have much luck until Crystal came along.

Crystal's home was not as Alana prognosticated. Considering the area, she'd envisaged a small house big enough for two, perhaps three bodies. She'd anticipated a brown brick house, dead yellow leaves surrounding Crystal's property and a considerable effort though not exactly lavish interior. It was not until she approached the baby blue mansion and Crystal pushed inside the white picket fence that she was truly blown away.

Crystal smiled triumphantly. "My husband left me and my son enough money for each of us to live three lives without work." She gestured for Alana to follow her down the narrow pathway up the black marble staircases to the front door. "With the money I've helped save lives," she turned to face Alana as she fumbled with the doorknob. "And I've contributed, rather largely, to my community."

Once they were inside, Alana's breath caught. Her home with James had always been filled with overbearing name brand luxuries but Crystal's home was roomy, bright, and welcoming. Upon entering, the two were met with a grand staircase facing them, southward. Some few feet away, off to the west was a fireplace, one large couch, a flat screen television and a small brown square vintage table. Eastward was a threshold leading to a large kitchen.

Crystal grinned, turning to face Alana who stood starstruck in the doorway. "You like?" She giggled.

Alana's face distorted into a mixture of pleasure and sadness.

"I can't thank you enough Ms. Crystal."

"Well, I couldn't let you sleep on that bench another night." Crystal took Alana's hand and led her through the east threshold, into the kitchen. "And please, just call me Crystal. Are you hungry?"

An hour later Alana sat beside the fireplace on the large couch bent over the vintage table and a plate of dirty rice and fried chicken. Crystal had called the area her 'Front Room' and while the dining room -which was just outside the kitchen- was off limits, everyone was welcome to her front.

Crystal had given Alana her space. She was truly a professional in her line of work because Alana couldn't bare to discuss her background in the moment. She sought out solitude and Crystal, without even having to ask, granted her wish.

A few minutes later, Alana was trudging to the kitchen with her backpack still on and sweater still clinging to her hot dirty body. Crystal sat at the kitchen table on a wireless house phone.

"Ok, are you're coming straight home today?" She paused and gestured lightly for Alana to sit her plate down. Listening to the deep voice who Alana assumed to be her son, Crystal laughed lowly. "So you're only coming home if I have food prepared? Boy, come home, I have someone for you to meet." She paused again. "Baby, you know Ethan is welcome here at all times, sure you can bring him... ok I love you too." She ended the call and smiled at Alana. "My son should be home in the next hour." She suddenly scrambled to her feet and quickly stripped Alana of her backpack. "Come, I'll show you to the bathroom to bathe before he arrives."

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