Chater Five; Daring

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Chapter Five; Daring

A week later the scale read one hundred forty even. Alana couldn't decide if she was happy with the change or if some form of caution should be considered. She hadn't done much exercising except for in Mr. James class and that was two weeks ago. Even then she hadn't done much except run the treadmill for the two weeks that she was there.

"You're not as big as you think. I told you that!" Crystal grinned and pulled Alana into a hug.

They did that often; hugging. They also expressed their growing love for one another regularly. Within a week they had formed a bond powerful enough that Alana was beginning to become more open about Samantha's death, and tell her life's story in detail. Somehow during her storytelling she exhibited concern about her weight.

As a result, Crystal pulled Alana into her room and placed her on the scale. When the numbers read one hundred forty pounds, Alana gasped, her hands flying up to her mouth in surprise.

She couldn't speak, only nod in response as she pressed her chest into Crystal's and tightly wrapped her arms around her. Crystal giggled just as Hayden walked in and laid across his mother's bed.

He watched silently as the two pulled apart and smiled at each other.

Suddenly, Alana frowned and glanced down at the floor, digging her toenails into the carpet.

Crystal sat beside her son on the bed, waiting for Alana to speak. Taking Hayden's hand into her own, she kissed his fingertips and watched as Alana fiddled with another one of her night gowns and the large sweater she refused to part with.

"I don't eat enough." She said finally.

Crystal reached forward and grabbed Alana's left hand, pulling her to take a seat on the bed as well.


It was hard to feel comfortable when Hayden was so close by. His cologne covered the room, a scent so soothing, so enicing. She wanted to lay in his clothing and ball up in her bed until Marie made it home in a predicted four or five days.

"I can't eat sometimes. It makes me sick." She kept her answer simple. Again, she was concerned about judgement, but this time, it was Hayden's judgement that concerned her. The urge to swallow had returned, as it usually did when he was around. It was Alana's habitual reaction to his presence.

"Alana..." Crystal's voice was a soft purr that seemed to make the world stop. She was Alana's angel, sent from Samantha. Or God. Samantha had always told Alana about the Almighty God she loved so much. In the moment, Hayden was no longer there, only Alana and Crystal. "You have to eat, even if you don't want to. I know you're scared for your baby sister, and I know you have a lot to think about, but eating is very important."

Alana nodded.

She was scared. Being with Crystal hadn't did much to subside her terror but it had helped her to cope with it. The fear. Fear that Marie wasn't ok.

"You have to eat. If not for yourself, then for your mother and Marie. If you ever feel sick, promise me you'll come straight to me."

This reminded her of Mr. James. How he always made her promise him, and she never kept those promises. She wouldn't do that to Crystal.

When she said, "I promise, Crystal." She had meant it.

Crystal perked up, and looked down at her son's fingers.

"Good," she said with a smile. "Well, I think its about time you and Hayden spend some time together. Go to the mall, or something. Anything you two decide on but I want you two to spend the day together. Kinda get to know one another. I think it'll be fun. Alana, if you need money-"

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