Chapter Nine; Michelle and Damien

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Chapter Nine; Michelle and Damien

Dear Samantha,

Marie has been home for a nearing two months. She's reacted well to the people she's been exposed to, especially Hayden, Ty and Crystal. I believe she's torn between Hayden and Ty though. Its the cutest thing to watch.

"Come here, babygirl." Hayden stands just before the kitchen's threshold, assisting himself to a gargantuan bowl of Lucky Charms.

Marie and I walking down the grand staircase notice Ty sitting on the couch, along with Ethan --I'm trying to make it a habit that I address him as Ethan, rather than Elaine's preference, Nathan-- Jade, and Elaine. Ty turns slightly to watch me and Marie, and a smile catches the corners of his lips. He, first, gives me a look. One which I still cannot decipher its meaning, even now as I write during my lunch break at Top Smoothie. Then, he looks to a smiling Marie and opens his arms out to her.

"No," he says, "come to me, Mama."

Marie looks up at me for clarity, but even I have noticed, within myself, a growing tug-a-war when it comes to the two men. I shrug, smiling down at her and she clutches tighter to my hand as she looks to Hayden then Ty.

"It's okay, baby. I'm right here." She looks to Hayden as he kneeled down to level her, waiting arms resting on his knees. He beckons her twice.

Just as her small feet move in his direction, Ty shifts in his seat on the couch.

"Look at me, watch me, Mama." He wets his lips and then he opens his mouth, a low beautiful tune flows freely along the air, from his lips.

"I was praying that you and me might end up together

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert

But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven"

Marie grins and drops her grip on my hand to run into Ty's arms. Hayden smirks and stands, disappearing back inside the kitchen. I glance at Marie and Ty. He kisses her cheek and she returns the favor, shyly leaning forward to kiss his forehead.

Ultimately, I follow Hayden inside the kitchen. I can't remember if I had on one of those tight gowns or a pair of baggy pajama pants --I believe it was the pants. Either way, I remember his eyes falling all over my body before meeting my own eyes. I liked the look he was giving me, mama. I can't explain it.

Its like... he has me, but he doesn't. He wants me but he won't rush it.

His eyes drop to my lips and I know he wants to kiss me... but he doesn't.

I ignore the look he displays and smile a bit. Not a big smile, one of those small cute ones you used to do when Rodney came around.

"I didn't choose Ty." I say.

Have you ever been around someone who's face seems to break up into another when they smile, I don't know, because they rarely do it... smile, I mean.

That's exactly what happened with Hayden. I've seen him give small smiles, and give little grins here and there, I've even seen him laugh a few times, but I had never seen the smile he was giving me then. His features malformed. His cheeks lifted, indentations in his cheeks appeared. I can't exactly explain his smile because I've only seen it once and every detail isn't exactly vivid, but it was beautiful, mama.

And then he licks his lips and holds his hands out in front of him a bit. Like he'd done to Marie, he beckons me twice.

"Come here, Alana."

I thought about it first, but I didn't hesitate to step into his arms. They snaked around my waist and he pressed my chest into his. His parted lips hovered above my own and just as I inched forward he ducked his head into my neck and shook his head. Out of slight frustration, I gripped his long hair. Then, I felt his tongue run over neck and I was immediately enlightened of the first time he'd given me a passion mark. No one noticed it, thanks to him sneaking in his mother's make-up and covering it until it faded about 5 days later.

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