Chapter Ten; Ruined

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Chapter Ten; Ruined

Ty climbed in through Alana's room window. The tree outside did well to aid him much of the way but his parkour skills and immaculate strength was impressive enough to watch. Even once he was inside he barely exhibited any signs of exhaustion.

Alana found any previous frustration with Hayden vanishing. She'd noticed early on that while she was with Ty she forgot about Hayden, and vice versa. She couldn't decide who she wanted more than the other because she was equally attracted to the both of them.

It wasn't fair to neither of them, but she couldn't help how she felt.

Ty was beautiful in more ways than one, and he made her smile whenever they were together. Hayden was mystical but alluring and he was good at spoiling her when he wanted to be nice.

With a sigh, Alana shifted in Ty's arms to look up at his face. He was growing a small beard at the curve of his chin which only made him more irresistible. With a smile she playfully pecked just below his lips twice.

He smirked but he didn't move.

It wasn't the first time the two had spent the night together. Ty liked feeling like an outlaw, sneaking into Alana's room. Though no real consequences would be served, it gave him a certain rush that only added to his attraction for Alana. During their time together, after finally admitting that their friendship was much more than a friendship, they'd shared multiple kisses. It became natural now when they touched lips, and it felt right... for the both of them.

"I thought you wanted to talk. Don't kiss me." He grinned, his eyes on the ceiling.

Alana pouted and with a moan she lifted from his shoulder, sitting straight up with her hands in her lap.

"I can't help it..." she said, lowly.

She'd called Ty to eradicate her own frustration. He was good for making her happy. She wanted to talk to him about Marie but Hayden had solved that problem with perfect ease, now the only thing that bothered her was knowing how shiesty it was to be romantically involved with two men who were so close to one another.

"You can't help kissing me, Alana?" Ty's eyes watched her. The moment grew even more intense as the seconds on the clock ticked away. Something cold and pleasant crawled up Alana's back, spreading over her like a coat. This feeling, one which she couldn't explain, she embraced it. A smile eased over her face as he spoke again, chills coating her frame once again. "Let me know somethin'." She shivered as he eyed her intensely, waiting on her response.

When Hayden holds her, and they're together, she forgets about the moments she has with Ty during the night. Then, when the day has darkened and she hears the trees rustling outside her bedroom window, she knows that Ty has come to see her. It is then that she neglects to recall any romance she has formerly shared with Hayden.

Regardless of any secrecy in which relationship is concerned between Hayden and Elaine, Alana knew it was never right to lead Tyrone on. He was more than what Alana assumed she deserved, and even if she didn't feel as bad for Hayden (because of his involvement in Elaine) she should have been careful not to feel so intensely for the both of them

She swallowed, a familiar nervousness rebelling inside her. One which she's only ever experienced with Hayden.

"You're making me feel--" Alana's speech was cut off as Tyrone leaned over her body. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she could feel his lips press against her jawline. A low giggle escaped her, as cool air was blown against her left ear.

"How you feeling?" As he spoke, she ran her tongue down the length of his neck. With a groan, he pulled back to search her face.

Within moments, lust drained from her features, and was then replaced with a sudden sadness. She glanced down at her fingers which lay in her lap.

Marie didn't know any better. She was still very unaware of how much detriment, and how much heartache her actions ultimately resulted in. For her, it had clarification that James was unable to hurt Alana anymore. It was the one game, as a young girl, she had complete control over, the one game James could not, and would not dominate.

A tear slipped, no longer because memory of James's approach surfaced, but because it truly disturbed Alana knowing how innocent Marie was to the entire situation. More tears followed, but Alana's cry was silent. She left her head lowered, and her whimpers low.

"Alana . . ." With both of his hands gently cupping her face --though she was reluctant to meet his gaze-- he was sure to see the tears slide down her rosy red cheeks. Puzzlement settled within him but he didn't query. Aside from a growing romance stemming inside their relationship, Alana was his best friend. He trusted that she would express herself to him, especially with what she displayed in the moment. Slight anger, sadness . . . Confusion.

"I keep trying to convince myself . . ." She bit back her quivering bottom lip and shut her eyes. Her hands shook in her lap but she shook herself of any overwhelming emotion, and looked up into Ty's eyes. "I think I need to see James . . . If not for Marie than for myself, for closure. To ensure that he isn't trying to, I don't know, sabotage . . . Maybe if he knows that I'm fine, I'm happy . . . He won't try to mess things up for me."

Ty frowned and drawled back.

"What makes you think that he'll be happy for you, Alana? Don't forget who we're talking about now."

* * *

Dear Samantha,

Though, I am reluctant to admit . . . Ty is right . . . about James, I mean.

I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed.

I don't miss him. I don't desire his company. It's just . . . I know James. Soon, his wounded pride will mean more to him than his fear of a torn career. Crystal promised him that if he came after me and Alana she would ruin everything he's ever placed any effort into, but I have some right to believe that, that statement was only enough to falter him momentarily. More likely, he would work his way around Crystal's threat and then myself and Marie will be back home with him without any options of rebelling. Surely, if he managed to get us back we'd be kept on a leash so short around our necks, even the mere thought of escape will earn us a sore throat.

But, I have had plenty time to consider all areas.

It makes sense that if I were to meet with my father . . .


If I met with James I would be able to somehow convince him that . . . I don't know.

"I could have him meet me somewhere . . ."

"And say what, Alana, cause you clearly not thinking this through."

He was right again. I didn't know what I was to say to someone like James. Quite honestly, even before I left home, it had been months since I was able to hold any conversation with him. Any conversation I engaged in with him was short and usually followed by yelling and screaming on my part. James didn't like to yell and scream, he was too laid back for such.

"I don't know, Ty. I do know that I can't just sit and wait for him to react . . . because he will react. In some way, he will retaliate. He'll come for me and Marie. James is too prideful to allow some woman to come and take his daughters from him."

Monday morning while Hayden was away, and Marie and Crystal still lay down to rest, I visited the mall.

It wasn't until I arrived that I realized he would be at school at this hour.

I'd thought so hard about sneaking away without alarming anyone that I'd completely neglected to recall that Bret wasn't a dropout, like me. But, I really needed to see him.

My feet led me to the food court.

I cursed myself until I saw him pulling the apron over his head, folding it sloppily in his arms, seemingly in a rush.

I started to run up to him, but his meeting with Isaac faltered my step.

Isaac eyes were wide, his bottom lip twitching with anger.

"We just got into a fight with those motherfuckers. That bitch Elaine had a fucking knife."

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