chapter 11

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Your day was packed with meetings. You had to wear your best suit for these clients, and that would have to be what you wore to the Agency. It was an added bonus that undoing a couple of buttons, a shoe change and letting your hair down transformed it into a kick ass look.

 It was an added bonus that undoing a couple of buttons, a shoe change and letting your hair down transformed it into a kick ass look

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Going from work also gave you a sense of control and your work clothes were your armor. It was not until you finished touching up your makeup that you realized you had not counted days today. Maybe it was to time to let go.

You told yourself that this was strictly professional. Jin had a packed schedule. There was no way he would be in a meeting that was just to get your signature.

Squaring your shoulders, you headed out telling yourself that was for the best ....surely.

Jin had spent the whole night planning. He recruited three back up dancers for his plan. He cornered the Security team leader and gave him the papers back and explained that you were coming for a meeting.

Indicating the back up dancers, he explained that all of you would be in the meeting, that the manager was to make it seem as complicated and important as possible and make it last as long as he could. Oh, and when Jin gave " the signal" everyone had to leave immediately.

He just shook his head and took the papers. These kids and these crazy missions they were always doing!

You arrived at the agency fifteen minutes early. You were escorted to a waiting area and your heart jumped when Jin walked out of the door toward you. You were just surprised to see him you told yourself.

The pounding of your heart had nothing to do with seeing him walk toward you, or the fact that he gently put his hand to the small of your back to escort you in, or the way your senses reeled at his body heat and his familiar smell.

Jin's mouth went dry when he saw you enter the waiting area. He literally stumbled over his own feet when he saw you in the black leather boots. That coupled with the prim suit slammed him with erotic thoughts. He pulled himself together to bring you in.

He led you into the conference room where he had asked the staff to bring drinks and finger foods. He made sure there was Diet Coke for you. When you saw them on the table you smiled up at him. That simple smile turned his heart upside down. He had to have that smile again.

Settling in, the Manager did his job well. You had no idea why it took five people and thirty minutes to explain that legal action had been filed, was now concluded and you needed to sign the line above your name. This industry was too complex you thought. Finally, the man concluded and all the staff left you alone with Jin.

It had been much easier to breathe with all the people in the room. Now you found yourself struggling. Jin moved to sit next you.

He asked questions, you had stilted conversation, but mainly you looked at each other. Both of you had things you needed to say to the other but you just could not bring yourselves to risk saying something first.

Finally, you checked the time and stood to leave. Jin moved quickly to stand in front of you. He was so close you could hear him breathe. For just a moment you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to just feel him.

Jin cleared his throat, and did again. He had to do this. This might be his only chance.

Closing his eyes and drawing a deep breath, he asked you, "Will you have dinner with me?"

Your breath hitched as you looked into his expectant face. You stepped away from him, putting a chair between you. You crossed one arm over your stomach and the other came across your chest holding your shoulder, subconsciously protecting your heart. You began to shake your head at him and saw as his disappointment registered.

To this day you do not know what happened, but you looked into his face and said "Yes".

It took several minutes for your answer to register. It was like your brain was standing outside your body watching your heart make bad decisions.

"Yes? " Jin asked in disbelief. " Yes?" he asked with hope.

At your nod he shouted "YES!" and grabbed you for a hug. He quickly pulled back and apologized, leaving you absolutely at war with yourself.

"When? Tonight? Too soon. OK, tomorrow? At 6? I'll pick you up. Anything special you want to do? Anything. Name it" Jin rambled, thoughts and plans already jumbling in his head.

"Nothing in particular. Just a place to talk. Please nowhere we have been before. And Jin?" you asked.

He looked at you intently. Whatever your request , he would bankrupt himself to make it happen.

"Please,  no private room in an expensive restaurant. I don't think I can do that," you asked, your voice breaking just the tiniest bit.

Jin cursed himself for the hurt in your eyes. He took your hands and said " I am so sorry. I promise. Let's do something new."

You nodded and withdrew your hands. "Tomorrow at 6," you said, turning to walk away.

Sinking against the wall once the elevator doors closed, you asked yourself "What in the hell have I done?"

Watching the elevator doors close, Jin had a moment of panic. He had this one chance to make things right. What in the hell was he going to do.

Perfectly Broken   Book 5Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant