chapter 26

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Jin breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he saw you.  Just a few minutes and he could explain and everything would be alright.  Please God! Let everything be alright.

Jin reached you and took your hand and drew you past a door marked “Private".  He closed and locked the door.  It was a tiny room with a small couch and table.  Jin pulled you to him in a hard kiss.  Not lifting his head from yours,  he picked you up and crossed to the couch, sitting with you across his lap.

“This room is soundproof and private.  No one will intrude.  This is a secure area where we can make phone calls or video chat," he explained.

Jin drew another breath and wrapped his arms around you.

“ We have been in meetings all morning, “ he began"  the camera crew is here because they are sending us on a two week trip.  They have given us an hour to pack then we go to the airport.  That's way it was so urgent to see you now,"  He kissed you again

“But Jin…are you packed do you need to….” You worried.

He hugged you and said “Don’t worry. I'm done.  It's mostly for the cameras."

“Baby....” he started.  Here it was.

Whatever the problem was  it would start now.  You grabbed his hand and held on tight.  He nodded at you, realizing you clearly read the situation.

“ They revealed plans, concepts, tour dates and long range goals in those meetings today," he gently said.

You began to feel your chest tighten and squeeze the breath from you. 
You nodded at him, knowing you could not trust your voice.  It was happening again.

You were not sure your legs would hold you but you had to stand, to move.  You had to find some place private to come apart.

Jin felt you begin to struggle in his arms.

He was devastated when he turned your face to his and he saw the panic and hurt flooding your eyes.  He had caused this from his actions last time.  He still had a lot to make up for.

He pulled you back into him and began to rub your back and soothe you.

“Shhhhh…shhhhhh. Please don’t worry.  Please.  It will be ok," he whispered until his words penetrated the fog surrounding you.

Looking into his face you saw only love and concern.

“Ok?”  you asked.  At his nod the tears began to spill “Promise?”.  He kissed you to reassure you.

“Promise.” He responded.

“ This next phase will be a year, maybe longer.  They have set some insane goals, but it would mean history if we make them."

At your nod he kissed you again.  He could feel a bit of the tension ease at his kiss.  That made him smile.

Hugging you  tighter he continued. “ I have committed to every practice, every meeting, every scheduled event.  In turn the company has agreed to schedule blocks where we will get breaks where our time is personal and private, beyond the control of anyone but ourselves.”

He watched your face as you processed that information.  He nodded at you and said

“I will be away for long periods.  There is a standing offer for you to join me anytime and anywhere.  I hope you come as often as your job allows.  All air and lodging is covered and can be arranged with an hour’s notice.”

He kissed you and wiped your tears.

“And of course I will be tormenting you with questions about when you are coming or texting you the days counting until I will be home.”

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