chapter 18

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"What is this?" he asked, his finger continuing to stroke the spot.

"Jin. It's....are you mad?" you asked.

He looked into your eyes. He kissed you and said "Tell me".

You drew a deep breath and explained, "It's you."

He frowned again and you rushed to explain.

" always marked me in that spot. It was something I could count on, could see while we were apart. It was like a part of you physically stayed with my body," you rushed, stumbling with your words.

He nodded and encouraged you to continue.

"When you left, I searched for weeks for some sign of your mark. Every time I got out of the shower, every time I got dressed, I WANTED to see proof of you. Of what we had was real."

Jim moved to brush a tear away from your face. You continued," so, on my birthday I had this done, so that your mark would always be there."

He still was not responding.

"Are you mad?" you asked again.

He crushed you to him and kissed you hard, lips pressing you again and again, his tongue slipping in to tease and taste.

He pulled back and he had tears in his eyes. "How could I be angry? You did that for me? You missed me that much? After I left you....... you marked a spot on your body forever. I just can't...."

Jin fell to his knees and wrapped both arms around your waist.  Burying his face in your breasts, he took big gulping breaths of you.

You reached to caress his shoulders, holding him to you, running your fingers through his hair.

He lifted his face and the kissed valley between your breasts.

Hearing you moan, he kissed his way to the tattoo, licking  and sucking the spot. You began to move in his arms, seeking to pull him even closer to you.

His hands roamed your body, finding your breasts. He rubbed through the silk until he felt you harden under his fingers. His thumbs circled the hardened tips in time to his lips on your skin. Your need grew till your knees began to buckle.

"Jin..." you called to him, anything else you might say lost in his kiss.

He stood to pull you to him, pressing his hips to yours. You could feel his hard length against your soft stomach. He began to grind with you, kissing you in time to his thrusts.

Jin was reeling from his emotions and his physical arousal, closely watching for your reaction each step.

He was almost beyond the point of rational thought. He needed you badly.

Jin looked into your face and saw the same need.

His body reacted to the memories of the dozens of times and ways he had seen that need flare to life in you.

Reacting with primal instinct, he lifted you in his arms and headed to the bedroom.

He looked into your face to see surprise and desire. He bent to kiss you as he carried you away.

Grasping what little rational thought you had left,  you laid your hand on his chest and pushed away.

"Jin....wait," you managed.

Jin, the most patient man in the world, heard you through the red haze of his lust. He slowly put you down and dropped his shoulders in defeat.

You tipped his face up with a fingertip and said "This might take a while. Don't you think you should turn off the stove?"

It took several seconds for his brain to grasp what you said.......then what that meant ..........and then what he needed to do to get back into your arms.

You waited until he was safely around the bar then laughed at him, calling  "Race you to the bed!"

As you turned to run, you took your jacket off and threw it at him, as if it would slow his progress.

Jin was busy making sure everything was turned off and safe when he saw your jacket fly.

"Hey! Hey! Don't you dare take off one more thing! That is my job!" he shouted.

You were no match for his long arms and legs. He quickly caught up with you and threw you over his shoulder, giving you a hard slap on the behind. You struggled against him, laughing the entire time. You thought you might burst with joy!

Entering the bedroom, Jin threw you on the bed and pinned you beneath him. You wiggled against him, trying to break away but he held you fast.

He kissed you and groaned into your mouth. " You know that feels really good right?" And you smiled a wicked smile at him.

"I WIN!! What is my prize" he laughed, releasing your hands and raising on his elbows above you.

Growing serious, you kissed him and said "Anything you want."

He leaned in for a long slow kiss, " I'll save that prize for another day. I have everything I need right here"

Perfectly Broken   Book 5Where stories live. Discover now