chapter 21

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Jin leaned to take your mouth with his, pressing into long sweet kisses. He began to move, slowly stroking your body until you began to moan for him

He increased the speed and depth of his thrust as you cried his name. Hearing you breathe his name fired his body like nothing else. As he looked down into your face, he saw raw need tempered by your faith that he would meet every need you had.

He felt his heart pound harder remembering the night you told him your need for him was more than physical. You wanted him, needed him, heart, mind, and body.

He bent in a soft kiss that silently offered you his everything. Understanding his gift, you returned the kiss with tears forming in your eyes. Jin leaned to kiss them away. As he leaned in you rose to meet him and your bodies began to move in concert.

You fell into a rhythm that rocked you both, meeting and thrusting, bodies shifting and moving against each other. You felt nerves all over your body begin to tingle as Jin dropped his hand between you and traced soft touches into you. The jolt of his touch was too much and you bucked against his hand. Crying his name, you reached your release as you felt him begin to throb into you, emptying himself completely into you, pulsing in time to his heartbeat.

Jin groaned and lowered himself onto you, resting his head on your shoulder. As your breathing slowed you ran your hands across his shoulders and played your fingers in his hair. He sighed in contentment and murmured your name, kissing and stroking your hair and the tender curve of your neck.

After several minutes Jin withdrew from you and turned, pulling you into his side. The two of you lay tangled together, Sighing and caressing each other in the gathering dark.

The silence was broken by a loud grumble. You laughed and raised up on one elbow to look at Jin.

"Hungry?" you asked.

"Always," he laughed.

You kissed him and said "Wait right here," and disappeared into the bathroom to wash up and pull on your robe. You brought a warm cloth back to Jin and laid it carefully over him, kissing him gently as you did.

You handed his shirt and shorts up to him and went in search for food.

After a few minutes Jin joined you in the kitchen and he resumed his meal prep. You laughed together at the now ruined dish in the stove and decided it was well worth it.

Jin managed a feast of vegetables and noodles. You settled on the couch and shared the meal, feeding each other and savoring the time together.

When you were done Jin took the dishes and both of you quickly cleaned the kitchen.

You decided you wanted to do the most ordinary thing you could think of, so you picked a new drama to watch.

You lay on the couch and Jin settled in your arms, covering you both with a large blanket. Jin was in command of the remote and soon had the drama streaming.

You both grew quiet and Jin settled into your arms, raising his face to you for a kiss a couple of times and then grew still. You played your hands in his hair as you watched the TV. After a short while you noticed he was a very still. Turning off the tv you leaned over and found him sound asleep. Smiling, you pulled the cover up tighter and joined him.

Sometime in the night Jin woke you up and carried you to the bed. You remembered his soft kiss and his hands drawing you close to him. The rest of the night was lost in peaceful sleep.

NOTE: After all the time apart and all the work of finding their way back together they have finally loved to exhaustion and fallen asleep tangled together

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NOTE: After all the time apart and all the work of finding their way back together they have finally loved to exhaustion and fallen asleep tangled together. What do you think???
Not much longer to go in this story ♡♡

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