chapter 25

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It had been a very busy day. You had decided to work ahead a bit in case you got to take time off with Jin. You had made some serious inroads into the next two projects. You groaned as you realized it was almost 3. No wonder you were hungry.

You wandered down to the lounge and grabbed a Diet Coke and a couple of snacks. Dean came in right behind you and plopped down next to you.

He was even more cocky now that he credited himself with making Jin jealous and want to date you again. You let him crow about it because the rest of his behavior toward you definitely shifted for the better.

You sat and talked with him for several minutes and then talk turned to work. Another colleague joined you and you were actually making really good progress on the new campaign.

You were so absorbed in the brainstorming that you were irked to hear your phone ring. Looking down you saw Jin's face and your first thought was his promise to call when he got the schedule.

Stepping away from the table you stood at the window to take the call.

"Hey baby!! What's up? Hope your morning as been great".

Jin took a moment to answer and apprehension began to surface.

"I need to talk to you. Please come. Can you come right away? A car should be almost there to pick you up."

You felt panic begin to creep. This was just like last time. You felt like you were going to be sick.

Dean looked up and saw you and grew concerned. Your face was white and you were swallowing like you were trying to fight nausea. He crossed the room with a bottle of water.

Concerned, he quirked a brow at you and rubbed your back. Strangely, his kindness helped you to gather yourself. At your shaky nod he moved back to the table to give you privacy.

Drawing a deep breath, you returned to the call.

"Jin. Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

"No. I promise I am fine. I just need to see you. You can come right?"

"Of course. You need me, I am there."

There was a long exhale from Jin then he responded.

"The car is there now. We'll talk soon."

Those words and his distraction caused the panic to flare again. Mentally shaking yourself you scolded "Where is your faith? Trust him".   A tiny part of you answered,  "we did that once, remember? Look where that got us".

Shaking off the voices , you closed out your office and grabbed your things. You told the receptionist to mark you gone for the day and you were unsure about tomorrow. You told her you might work remotely tomorrow.

Ha!! Was "work remotely" about to become code for "heart crushed so badly I can't breathe"?

You had no trouble finding the car. The driver from your last ride was standing outside waiting to open the door for you. He gave you a bright smile, so that eased your tension the tiniest bit.

The drive to Jin seemed to take forever. After you started moving you realized you did not even know where his was. Your stomach rolled at the thought of pulling up to some high end restaurant again. "Stop It!!" you shouted to your brain.

Mercifully the drive ended and as the driver slowed you recognized you were entering the gates of the agency. The driver opened your door then indicated you should follow him.

He led you through security, securing you a "level A" security badge and then he escorted you into the elevator. He punched the penthouse floor while inserting a key. The elevator started the smooth glide upwards.

When the door opened he indicated you should step out, then the doors closed behind you.

You stepped into a huge lobby with floor to ceiling windows revealing a breathtaking view of the city. However your attention was immediately diverted from the view by the utter chaos you had stepped into.

There was a camera crew filming as staff scurried in the background. You could see some of the men you had met before talking and laughing in front of the camera.

One of them walked past you with a wink. He had his arms full of clothes. Stopping in front of the camera he dumped the clothes on the floor and started to dig through them. The whole place was a madhouse.

You noticed Jin in the back of the room. Moving into his line of sight, you caught his attention. He immediately moved out of camera range and started toward you.

You were having difficulty reading his face. He was concerned, but not overly so. He looked a bit nervous and distracted. You gave up and just waited to see what was going on. Good or bad you would know soon enough.

Perfectly Broken   Book 5Where stories live. Discover now