chapter 8

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The weekend had been a long drag of hiding in your bed.  As you entered the office, you laughed at yourself for thinking Jin might come to your home and try to see you.  You were so naïve.

Office talk took a lot longer this morning with everyone sharing what a great time they had and how great it was to see all the celebrities.

Dean had made a conquest of his grind partner but that did not stop him from complaining that you left early and he wanted another “date’ and he wanted you to wear that dress. 

The boss finally decided all the important information had been gleaned from the party experience and ordered everyone back to work. 

You settled in your office and closed the door.  You had spent all weekend thinking about Jin or trying not to think about him.  You were grateful for a busy day to work and a chance to get away from all the questions rattling around in your brain.

Your work station was up and running, you had the project in front of you, but you leaned back in your chair and stared out the window, lost again in your thoughts.

Jin had worked or drank all weekend.  By Monday morning he was heartily sick of both. 

He had dance practice and a production meeting finished before 9 am.  As the meeting was wrapping up the production team asked Jin to stop by the security office.  He frowned as he was told they needed some information. 

It was almost lunch by the time he reported to security.  One of the team members called him in and asked if he remembered the security leak threat some time ago.

Jin did remember.  It had caused your first big fight. And making up after?  He still could not sleep thru a thunderstorm, but now for entirely different reasons.

“Yes, I remember,” he responded.

“ We prosecuted the individual who was responsible.  We have some forms for your…… um….. friend to sign so that we can finalize the case.  I need to confirm her address so that we can mail or courier the paperwork to her.”

Without thinking Jin said “ I will get them signed, just give them to me.”  The manager shook his head but Jin insisted.  He was seizing any excuse to see you!

Taking a packet from the man’s desk, he asked “ Is this it?”  At his nod Jin took the packet and practically ran to his dorm room.

A long hot shower, 20 minutes in front of his closet and an inordinate time with the stylists later, Jin was ready to see you.  He wanted to look perfect.  His heart was pounding at the thought of being in the same room as you. 

He pushed down all thoughts that you might not see him.  He was more nervous than he had been this entire stadium tour.  He called for his car to be brought around and set off to find your office.

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