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One Month. One month...30 days.

30 days since your perfect boyfriend brought you to his perfect penthouse with the perfect view and with exquisite tenderness healed your broken heart by telling you having you in his life gave meaning to any goal he met or recognition he received.

30 days of phone calls from all over the world. 30 days of calculating the difference in time zones for text messages.

30 days of scanning for his voice on the radio or social media, hungry to hear him, anxious to see if he sounded well.

30 nights of sleeping alone. 30 mornings of counting to 10 before you opened your eyes, hoping he would be sleeping beside you when you opened them.

Today was the day that things would hopefully change.

Jin had sent you a text saying he had a sixteen hour flight plus other travel time today, but he was on his way to you.

Right after he left Jin had insisted on installing a high level security system in your home. Part of the system was keypad entry.

You gave Jin the code late one night after an....ummmm...interesting game of "guess the code" over video chat. You still were not sure what the rules were and you were certain Jin cheated, but it was a couple of hours of intimacy that you treasured in the lonely month.

You hurried home hoping to get everything ready for Jin's arrival. Being realistic, it could be anywhere from 2 to 24 hours before you saw him. It did not matter. He was on his way

You squealed in surprise when you saw Jin's car in the drive. You ran into the house, breathless to see him. You called his name as you opened the door , but the house was silent.

You saw Jin's coat and shoes in the foyer. His black bag was by the door. WHY did he never take it to the bedroom with him? His bag and his car meant he could stay at least a night. You were thrilled to have time with him.

The bar caught your eye. There were packages  and a huge bouquet of spring flowers scattered along the surface.

Jin was not on the couch. The bedroom!! You rushed to the back of the house. You paused at the open bathroom door. There were towels and clothes on the floor and water still beaded on the shower.

You almost screamed with excitement as you rounded the door into the bedroom.

You stopped in your tracts, holding your breath. There in your bed was perfection. Jin was wearing his sleep pants and had snuggled into the bed, one arm reaching out to your side. He did that when you were not in the bed with him.

You softly called his name but he did not stir. You sat on the bed to look at him and frowned. There were bags and dark circles under his eyes. He was exhausted, yet he had made his way here to you.

You moved to hang up your work clothes locking the doors and turning everything on "do not disturb".

You changed into a new nightdress you bought for his homecoming. You turned off all the lights and crawled into bed next to him.

For a long time you simply watched him sleep

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For a long time you simply watched him sleep.

Growing weary yourself, you reached for him and snuggled into him. He moaned in his sleep and turned toward you, reaching for you and pulling you to him.

"Home?" he asked

"Home," you whispered.

"Home," you whispered

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Thank you first to my dear friend Catherine. She was the first to say "you can do it!". She was the first to tell me my stories were worth reading! She is my proof reader and fellow Jin lover.

She inspired this book while we  editing Perfect Storm by reminding me that love is usually messy and seasons of life that are not "perfect" make us more interesting and usually make us better people in the end.

Thanks to that discussion our lovers went through the hell of a break up and came out stronger and more secure in each other.

THANK YOU READERS!!! your votes and comments keep me writing!! I can't thank you enough.

As I publish this story it has been ranked #1 in erotic romance. You did that!! ♡♡♡

I have a couple more stories written and after that I am wondering what will happen to our lovers. Any ideas? I sure don't want to let them go!!

Until next time, my wish for you is that soon- and very soon- your own Jin leans down and whispers to you..."damn it baby....you are killing me!"

#fighting ♡♡

Perfectly Broken   Book 5Where stories live. Discover now