Greek God/Goddess AU one-shot

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This is really small but here I guess u h

Vincent gained many things credit to being the god of the underworld; respect, fear, fortune. However, sometimes these gains turned out to be just another shackle on his tired and raw wrists. Kind of like now.

Grass wilted along his resting feet, little green leaves turning brown and brittle, breaking off to go with the wind. Thankfully, he decided to rest on a nearby rock, something that wouldn't perish once in contact with his body. Still, it hurt to not be able to bask in his wife's beauty without harming it.

"What's wrong, love?" Y/N whispered, making her way over from a nearby stream. Her body was cloaked in a white robe of sorts, sheen in the sunlight as if it were made of the finest silk. Flowers bloomed where she stepped, ivy twisting towards the sun as her knuckles brushed by. Life.

The opposite of him.

Vincent gave a heady sigh, smiling halfhearedly as he pulled his feet upon the rock. Small, broken pieces of withered grass clung to his shoes, a reminder of what he could cause.

A shadow joined his on the ground, both casting a darkness over the dead vegetation below. One was darker than the other, swiveling as if it were smoke, the demons that followed him.

"It sort of looks like a heart" Y/N stated. Finger pointing over Vincent's shoulder at the scorched marks along her once pristine lawn. Sure enough, the way his feet touched at the heel had made a shape similar to that of a heart, a little obtuse and irregular, but a heart all the same.

Vincent chuckled, smiling wide as a kiss was planted at the top of his head, warm arms encircling his shoulders from behind. The scent of acorns and blooming blossoms filled his senses, pleasantly different from his usual quarters that reeked of smoke and something heavy. He felt light.

"I'm going to keep it" Y/N whispered, not making a move to fix the bald spot in her garden.

"Okay" Vincent smiled, kissing the woman's knuckles lightly. It was going to be okay.

Vincent x Reader (Cute New Night Guard)Where stories live. Discover now