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A quick something before I go to bed because I have to wake up early in the morning to do Behind The Wheel so I can drive (IM SUFFERING)

*As a Teacher*

Mike: You see this??? *points to empty board* This is how many fucks I give about your education

Jeremy: *is one of those pushover teachers that end up getting pranked so hard he pees himself*

Fritz: *steals other teachers' food out of the work room fridge*

Vincent: I have no clue what I'm talking about but just keep smiling and nobody will notice

Scott: *has a stash of meter sticks in his drawer that he snaps randomly in class to scare his students into submission*

You: if any of you fuckers square up I will not hesitate to throw some hands *takes sip out of a mug with the words 'Fuck You' engraved upon it*

*In a Fight*

Mike: *goes in swinging but gets the shit beaten out of him*

Jeremy: *somehow talks his way out of it every damn time*

Fritz: sometimes you have to ask yourself, "what am I willing to put up with today??"......NOT FUCKING THIS

Vincent: *throws a punch and misses, ends up knocking himself out in the process*

Scott: Come on man, my mental suffering is enough so can you just fucking bACK OFF

You: *is already swinging like your life depends on it, you're not hitting half the time but your screaming is effective in scaring them away*


Mike: *gets intoxicated on eggnog within five minutes, ends up making out with a chair because it was under the mistletoe*

Jeremy: *oversized sweater that he's literally drowning in, also he's a bomb ass baker*

Fritz: *gave everyone an empty box for Christmas*

Vincent: *is using the box Fritz gave him for Christmas to sleigh down the staircase, ends up hitting one step and falling face first out and down every single step*

Scott: *has already wrapped Christmas lights around his neck like a noose, Mike thought it was a kinky leash and got a roundhouse kick to the face*

You: *has spent the last three hours in the ER blaring Christmas music because "even though you fuckers got hurt I'm still going to get lit for the holidays"*

*New Years*

Mike: I'm going into the New Year like how I came into this world, bloody and screaming

Jeremy: *absolutely loves to watch the ball drop, but he always falls asleep before midnight and ends up drooling on someone's shoulder*

Fritz: *is so sleep deprived at this point that he carried on a thirty minute conversation with the toaster before throwing it out the window because it 'insulted him'*

Vincent: *chugged a Monster drink mixed with a five-hour energy and is probably going to die or have an aneurism before the new year comes*

Scott: *hogs the entire couch with his long ass legs*

You: I did my worst this year, and that's all that matters

*Pulling an All-Nighter*

Mike: *has duct taped his eyes open and has to go to the hospital because it won't come off*

Jeremy: does anybody else see that unicorn in the corner of the room or is it just me???

Fritz: *has ingested so much Red Bull that he's vibrating*

Vincent: *fell down the stairs while attempting to get to the bathroom and just laid there and fell asleep at the bottom*

Scott: *punches himself awake whenever he dozes off, ends up just knocking himself out at some point*

You: *watched so much Netflix that your eyes are permanently dried open*

Vincent x Reader (Cute New Night Guard)Where stories live. Discover now