Is This Real or Just Another Crush? (Song fic/one-shot)

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The song is Crush by David Archuleta and I fucking LOVE IT! His voice gives me chills and j u S t.... if you haven't listened to it then go to the video above and LISTEN because you are missing out on a masterpiece.


I hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time
Deep inside it was a rush
What a rush

"Sorry, I have to go, see you tomorrow!"

"Okay, see you later"

The phone in Vincent's hand gave a small beep, finger resting on the red 'end call' button. A smile unlike he had ever experience stretched the corners of his lips, so wide that it formed an ache.

A small voice in the back of his head told him that it was just a simple call, that it was just for the school project the two had been working on. However, a much larger voice sang in joy over the fact that she had talked with him for thirty whole minutes.

"I can't believe that just happened" Vincent whispered breathily, letting his phone drop to the rumpled covers around his legs. He was elated, joyous, and undeniably happy over the chain of events. So much that he just couldn't stop smiling.

The conversation went on repeat within his mind, it was all he could think about.

"We can meet tomorrow at the cafe near the University, I already have some research done"

"Sure! That sounds great, I'll bring the supplies for the poster"



"Sorry, I have to go, see you tomorrow!"

"Okay, see you later"

A rush boiled through his veins, energy coursing through every muscle of his body. Something told him he wasn't going to get much sleep tonight, not when his mind was so full of gooey emotions.

'Cause the possibility
That you would ever feel the same way about me
It's just too much
Just too much

Tomorrow finally came, and Vincent was far from ready. Well, not emotionally ready, but he was physically ready, he had been for over an hour.

A large poster board was stretched over the tabletop he had been staring at for fifteen minutes, various markers and stencils laying dormant. Y/N wasn't supposed to be there for another five minutes, yet something nagged at the back of his eyelids.

"What if she doesn't feel the same way about me?" He whispered, vaguely registering the fact that his espresso was going cold. However, that small detail was the last thing on his list, right now he was confused on what he even felt.

Suddenly, the seat across from him was pulled out with a loud screech of chair on tile. Purple hair stuck to his forehead as he looked up in surprise, witnessing a blinding smile and kind expression.

"Are you okay? You look stressed" Y/N muttered, setting down her drink in worry. A small stack of papers was tucked beneath her arm with scribbles of multicolored pen littering the surface, some of it didn't even look legible. She must have been in a rush to write down the research.

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