Marching Band AU

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Btw guys I'm in Colorguard so I'm going based off my experiences with Band Camp and Marching Band.

Being in the marching band was something you thoroughly enjoyed.

The rush of competing, the breathlessness after playing, the thrill of hearing 'You may now take the field in competition'. All of it was a whirlwind of emotion and adrenaline. However, in order to get in the marching band you had to go through something not as glorious.

Band Camp.

Every band kid trembles at those two words, two whole weeks of hot summer sun with a water break every few hours. The sun beamed down relentlessly as sunburned kids learn drill, an entire day of perfect posture and listening to orders being yelled over the breathless 'duts'.

"Y/N! You are out of step, get it together!" Your band director yelled, nearly having an aneurism for the third time today.

Being a Flute meant alot of things, first you are looked over constantly, second you are repeatedly told you can't be heard but the moment you play louder you get in trouble for being to pitchy, it was a rough cycle. A snicker from the Trumpet section had you gritting your teeth harshly, those assholes could put a sock in it.

"Take a ten minute break, be back on the field on time or we all run laps" Director Cawthon yelled, stepping off the drum major stand as he massaged his temples. A Tuba player nearby let out an elongated sigh, dropping the humongous instrument with care as sweat dripped from their brow.

"If I have to hear the phrase 'one more time' again I'm going to choke him to death" Mangle sighed beside you, stripping her flag carefully and setting it down on her dot. Mangle was the one Colorguard member you liked, she was the only one who has yet to hit a band member, the others were moving death machines.

"The Rookies are having trouble with marching, Chica almost knocked out a percussionist, and Ballora did a cartwheel right into the Woodwinds. I'd say we call it a day" she groaned, walking towards the cooler filled with cool water. A nearby Pit member scoffed, taking a swig of water as if they actually did something other than stand on the sideline. (If you are in Pit don't take this personally please)

"If we didn't even have a Colorguard this whole thing would be alot easier" she drawled, gasping loudly when Mangle brought a manicured hand up briskly, sending the water bottle's contents all over the girl's face and shirt.

"Well if you actually did something other than standing off the field then maybe you would be allowed to have an opinion, so shut the fuck up" Mangle hissed, causing Freddy to nearly choke on his Clarinet reed as he laughed. This was basically the entire Band Camp experience, bitching, whining, insulting, and lastly, dying.

"Oh great, here comes the drum major" Freddy scoffed, casting a glare towards the approaching Blonde.

"Well, he is your brother" Mangle insisted, waving at Goldie as he took a large drink from his own bottle. The shy boy's response was a big smile and enthusiastic wave back, dark eyes assessing his fellow band members.

"What's going on with the Drumline?" Mangle asked, leaning back slightly against the huge cooler, golden eyes squinting against the sun's harsh rays. Slowly, you followed her eyes, catching sight of red hair being pushed back messily as it's owner plopped their Snare on the grass. However, beside the Section Leader, there were three Base Drums lined up precariously as a couple members began bouncing acorns atop the shiny surfaces.

Just as predicted, a loud, heavily accented voice began yelling at the heathens as a drumstick was thrown.

"Foxy is going to kick their asses" Mangle chuckled, nodding her head as one unlucky aggressor was yanked back by their shirt and viciously noogied.

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