Thanksgiving (one-shot)

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"Vincent! I swear!" You yelled, threatening your boyfriend with a wooden spoon. "Whheettt" he whined, the word muffled by the muffin he just shoved in his mouth.

Today was thanksgiving and you were put in charge of desert, however, at the rate Vincent keeps eating them, there would be none.

"Stop.eating.the.muffins" you growled threateningly, eyeing the man with a playful glare. Instead of backing away, he simply looked you straight in the eyes and took yet another, bopping your nose as he gave you a muffin stuffed grin.

"Uggh, you know I can't stay mad at you if you make that face" you sighed, going back to the muffin mix you were currently working on. This would be the third batch, and hopefully the last.

"Can I help?" Vincent asked, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on top of your head. Heat spread to your face as you nodded, handing him the spoon and giving him a quick lesson before leaving him to the mix as you quickly went to grab a container to put them all in.

Within the twenty minutes you were gone, the smell of smoke filled the house.

"Viiiinncceeee!!!" You yelled, clutching the clear container in your arms as you slid down the hall in your turkey socks. The kitchen was covered in thick smoke, and standing in the middle was none other than your purple boyfriend, clutching a muffin pan in his hands as he smiled at you innocently.

"I can't leave you for twenty minutes" you chuckled, turning on the oven fan and opening some windows to allow the nasty smoke to escape. Finally, once all the smoke was clear, it was time for explaining.

"How did this happen?" You asked, dumping the burnt muffins into the trash along with the ruined pan. Vincent awkwardly shuffled on his feet, clearing his throat.

"Well, I started putting the muffin mix into the pan like you told me, but there was still some left, so I just filled each cup to the top, and when I put it in the oven it was taking to long, so I turned up the heat, and then I started freaking out because the muffins were all growing and sticking together, so I tried to grab the pan but I dropped the mit into the oven.......and yeah, everything went downhill after that" he explained, looking at the ground like a scolded puppy.

Suddenly, you bursted into laughter, having to hold onto the counter for support. Vincent pouted, crossing his arms at your laughing figure, "What's so funny?".

However, you didn't answer, putting the rest of the muffins into the container as a pouty Vincent followed suit. That is, until the following footsteps were no longer audible. Your suspicions were confirmed when something cold and gooey was rubbed across your face.

"Ewwww!" You screeched, reaching for the side of your face to see what the mystery substance was, sighing in relief when it was simply muffin mix.

The culprit stood a few meters away, grinning widely as his right hand dripped the gooey mix onto the floor.

"Gotcha!" He yelled, sticking his tounge out and laughing deeply. Quickly, you reached out a hand and grabbed his face, smearing the side of your face against his shirt. Vincent gasped dramatically, faking a hurt expression.

"Its on" he growled.

--------- Mike's POV (surprise muthafucka)-----------

"A-Are you sure this is the right place M-Mike" Jeremy stuttered, trying to tame his floof of hair.

"Yes......for the last time" I sighed, running a hand down my face. Y/N had invited us to spend Thanksgiving with her and Vincent, us being Me, Jeremy, Scott, and Fritz.

"Well, why isn't she answering the door" Scott remarked cockily, sending me a sarcastic glance.

"I'm getting sick of your shit phone boy.." I growled, almost punching him, however, Jeremy stopped me. He has never liked physical pain, especially with him having an abusive father.

Just as another spout of curse words and insults were about to get thrown we heard a scream come from inside.

Oh shit.

"W-Was that (Y/N)" Jeremy stuttered, looking at the door nervously. Without thinking, I started to search for a spare key, flipping over the welcome mat and nearby rocks, finally finding one above the porch light. I jammed it into the lock and swung open the door, looking around feverishly for any sign of trouble.

The first thing I hear is Scott snorting, then Fritz joining in as Jeremy starts giggling. Silently, I looked forward, seeing Y/N and Vincent covered head to toe in what looked like cake mix. Y/N into the process of shoving more in his hair.

"Oh, hey guys" Y/N awkwardly spoke, pushing her soaked hair behind her ear. Vincent only chuckled, flicking some of it out of his eyes.

"Not even going to ask" I stated, dropping the food we brought over onto the table. With much more laughter, the two grabbed some napkins and got to work at cleaning the mess off the floor.

However, out the corner of my eye, I saw Vincent lean in and kiss her, pulling away and grinning ear to ear and Y/N blushing beet red.

"Happy Thanksgiving" I chuckled.


Vincent x Reader (Cute New Night Guard)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें