Soulmate AU

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Everyone is born with a soulmate.

From the minute you first breathe in your own oxygen instead of shared air from your mother, your entire life is planned out. However, for others, sometimes it doesn't go according to plan.

Soulmates die, just like any human does, a life snuffed out that leaves another without a person to spend the rest of theirs with. How to tell if your soulmate is still alive is actually quite simple, the minute their blood runs cold and their heart stops beating, so does yours.

You don't die, you just basically feel as cold as your lovers now stiff and unmoving body. After all, their heart was beating only for you just as yours was to them, so without them your heart doesn't have a reason to keep beating.

If you are still feeling warm and the pulse still thrums beneath your skin, you simply have to wait. For what exactly? That's the catch. Whatever your soulmate writes upon their skin is immediately etched onto your own. It may seem endearing and romantic, but for you, well, you wouldn't use either of those words.

"Oh my fuck!" You yelled, scrubbing at your wrist harshly as your friend chuckled lowly. Ever since about a month ago your soulmate has been really active with drawing on their wrist.

Sadly, it wasn't cute little doodles.

"Did another dick appear on your wrist?" Chica snorted, watching as you groaned into the school bathroom sink. Standing out like a sore thumb was none other than a crude drawing of the male genitalia, written in thick black ink on your exposed wrist.

"Who in their right mind would draw dicks on their own arm" you scoffed, chucking the rag you were clutching into the trashcan at your side. Chica simply shrugged, fixing her eyeliner in the gross reflective surface your school calls a mirror.

"Maybe it isn't them, it could be a friend doing it for fun" She stated, cringing when a blond piece of her hair touched the grimy mirror. An eye roll was all she got in response, her heels clicking behind you as you excited the bathroom.

"You could always get them back y'know" the blonde tittered, rummaging through her bag and emerging with a red sharpie of her own. Without another word, she grasped your arm in manicured fingers and began writing, each scrawl tickling the sensitive flesh.

When she was done the Sharpie gave a satisfied pop once recapped, leaving you to read what it had marked. In red ink was an arrow, pointing towards the previous drawing with the words 'It's pretty small' in neat handwriting that only a high school girl could possess.

"What? You wanted it to stop so I helped" Chica muttered, meeting your grimace with a smirk, tossing the marker at your hovering hand.

"If they answer back just write a response" She called back, skipping down the hall as the bell rang, signalling the end of the day. You weren't sure which was scarier, the amount of people now inhabiting the halls or the feeling of unease settling within your stomach.


"Mike....I've told you multiple times to stop drawing those on my arm!" Vincent shrieked, ripping his bare arm way from his friend's grasp. The blue eyed male snorted, pocketing his marker.

"Your soulmate probably hates you" Mike snickered, eyeing his work of art from across the café table. Vincent winced, running a hand through his hair with stressful hands, he was the only one in his friend group who hasn't found his soulmate yet. All he knew about them was they had an exam in a week according to the reminders scrawled on his hand. The motion didn't go unnoticed, his friend noticing it immediately.

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