College AU Part 2 (Photographer!Reader x Mechanic!Vincent)

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Apparently you guys really liked this AU (lowkey I do to) and wanted me to continue into a part 2, so here it is

"You have a date!?!" Mangle screeched, causing you to nearly shove the spoonful of cereal in your hand down your throat. Your normally quiet and shy friend was, as of the moment, being anything but that, nearby neighbors were most likely growing very irritable.

"For the last time, it's not a date, I just have to return something of his" You sighed, picking up your soggy bowl of cheap brand cereal and dumping it down the drain, making sure to wash the bowl out before placing it gently with the other dirty dishes. Based on the heavy breathing behind you, Mangle was either having a mental breakdown, or, about to let out another frustrated screech. Either way your neighbors were going to absolutely hate you afterwards, screaming in an apartment Complex at six in the morning is not exactly neighborly or respectful.

"Remind me why you are here so early?" You asked, leaning against your granite countertop with an elongated groan, glaring at the bouncing pink hair shoving through your closet with much haste. Her only answer was a grunt as the sounds of plastic racks screeching across the metal pole inside grew quicker, one golden eye flickered over to you, the other dark one squinting with frustration.

"You have to dress nice" she stated, picking off a top before searching around for something else, manicured fingers expertly switching through clothing as her unique eyes scanned every detail.

Mangle majored in fashion design, she even had her own clothing line being advertised, she just seemed to have an eye for fashion and dainty fingers that sewed with care. Normally you would be thankful for a friend with high fashion sense, it came in handy when going to a job interview or dinner with people of higher authority, but as of the moment it was becoming quite annoying.

"Here, wear this, it compliments your figure but it looks casual" Mangle ordered, handing you a white top made of silk, it was thin and loose, the next thing was a black skirt that reached mid-thigh, the last thing made you choke. A pair of heels that you know for sure didn't belong to you hung from Mangle's long pink fingernails, a smirk painting her face as the matte black stilettos swung side to side.

"I am not wearing those" You stated, pushing away the pencil width heel with paint chipped nails, intent on keeping the horrendous things away. Mangle only shoved them into your full arms with much force before pushing you down the hall and into your bedroom, shutting the door loudly as she waited for you to get dressed. Normally you would simply sit and wait it out, but it was now seven in the morning and you had only an hour to make it to the coffee shop, and Mangle knew that. So, with much groaning and complaining, you began getting dressed, deciding to put the stilettos on only when you absolutely had to.

Just as you pulled on the skirt, your phone began going off, making you desperately search for the object as Mangle kicked the door impatiently. Once you managed to snatch it from the confines of your covers, you answered the call, giving an irritated greeting as Mangle still continued kicking the door.

"Wow, you sound absolutely thrilled to hear from me" a deep voice chuckled across the line, making you stop your childish act of flicking your friend off from underneath the door. Before you could answer, Mangle gave a sharp kick to your wrist, eliciting a yelp from you and string of curses as you dropped the phone. Flinging open the door with a growl as you began hitting her with a pillow, successfully shooing her away in a few hits, the phone forgotten until Mangle's voice echoed off the apartment walls.

Vincent x Reader (Cute New Night Guard)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu