Story Time

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Okay, so someone recently asked me to do a thing for Valentine's Day. I decided why tf not because,,,,,I'm bored??? I don't know. They asked if I could share my two break up stories and why they have made me so insecure with myself/unable to trust others easily. Now this topic is sort of sensitive to me, especially since how the two relationships I've ever had were toxic and ended with me in the dirt, so I might show a little discomfort in my writing because of it. So here goes the two relationships that have shaped me into the self-deprecating being I am today.

My first relationship
(end of 7th grade-some of 8th. We lasted over the summer and a few weeks into our last year of Middle School. This happened four years ago)

My first relationship, I was optimistic, excited, happy to have someone who really liked me. Let's just say his name was Raymond, I don't want to disclose his real name so I don't call him out, even though he does deserve it. He was originally from Sweden and had been going to the school for three or four years at that point. His personality was one that matched my own, and by that I mean he was a fun person to be around. Jokes were a constant thing with him and absolutely nothing was awkward because he made it comfortable.

He originally asked me out at the end of class and I didn't answer, a few days later I confronted him and told him yes. Shit got awkward.

Now as I said before, this was my first relationship and I was scared, scared of messing up and scared of physical contact. I couldn't even hold the boy's hand because of how touch starved I was. And he respected that.

That changed rapidly.

Soon enough he got frustrated with the fact I was taking so long to let him touch me, and I was getting closer, I really was. It was just not at his desired pace.

Raymond was very,,,,,touchy.

I say this for good reason. When he would touch me, it wouldn't be a brush to the hand or the face, or even the arm. He went straight for the upper thigh.

The first time this happened was at lunch, I was eating and talking to my friends. Everything was well and I was laughing, having a good time joking around about random things. It was serene, domestic, comfortable.

Then I felt it.

Keep in mind that he hadn't touched me at all beforehand, this was the first time.

A hand slid from my knee, then it slowly slid up. I got scared. I legitimately froze and stopped breathing. Why was he doing this? I told him I didn't feel comfortable yet, we had only been dating for two weeks. I needed to be eased into it.

I pushed his hand away. One



"Just stop"

"Awe you're blushing"

The hand came back. I pushed it away again. Two

"What's wrong?"

"I don't feel comfortable, please stop"


It came back again, except it was a lot higher and more forceful, he wasn't lightly brushing my mid-thigh. He was squeezing my upper thigh, to the point it hurt me.

Vincent x Reader (Cute New Night Guard)Where stories live. Discover now