Mafia AU (One-Shot)

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(You have been warned, if you are suicidal I would not recommend reading this one, also, a side note, if you are suicidal or depressed feel free to message me about your problems, I'll let you rant, don't forget that you are beautiful inside and out, nobody is allowed to tell you otherwise, you were strong enough to make it into the world then you are strong enough to make it through, I believe in you, I love you all so much❤❤❤)

"Please...stop" a small voice echoed through the dark alley, its owner looking just as bad as their raspy and broken pleas. Brutally beaten and broken inside and out, they were relying simply on the mercy of their aggressors, the smirks and malicious eyes gleaming brighter than the weapons they held in bloody calloused hands.

"I have a family, my wife is waiting for me at home with my unborn baby inside her, just give me another week and I'll have the money, just let me go" the man pleaded yet again, his swollen shut eyes unable to produce any tears. Laughter rang through the tiny walled in space, its sound deep and mysterious, just like the man who owned it.

"Sorry Ryan, I gave you an extra week already, I'll make sure nobody touches your family, but somebody has to pay for the money I've lost" the dark voice boomed, followed by the sound of a gun cocking back. Through near blind vision, Ryan stares down the barrel of a pistol, its surface emitting cold air against his nose, interlocking with the humid summer night air.

Images of his wife flashed in his mind, all happy thoughts that resembled a perfect couple, all leading to the ever growing bump of his wife's belly. Sobs escaped from his parched, sore throat, swallowing and breathing was becoming quite the task now.

"Any last words?" The bodiless voice cooed, seeming as if they were enjoying the power to much, its sound dripping with bloodlust and adrenaline. Ryan licked his lips nervously, delicate skin burning from the open cuts and abrasions littering the once soft surface.

"Yeah, I should have stayed home with Rose and took care of her morning sickness, fixed her breakfast so the baby would stay well fed, I want midnight trips to the local store buying something ridiculous to satisfy her cravings, I want to feel the touch of my child.........I should have never gotten involved with the Mafia, are you happy now..Gary" venom dripped from his tone as the name rolled off his tounge like poison. A shot rang loud and clear in the night air, the pleas stopped, and with it another life snuffed out.


"What do you mean you failed!" Your foster Dad yelled, his lips drawn back in a sneer. You simply shrugged, looking down at your black converse with a nonchalant expression, however, your "Dad" was far from emotionless.

Vincent x Reader (Cute New Night Guard)Where stories live. Discover now