2 In The Morning (One-Shot)

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You were awaken by your ringtone, eyes opening slowly only to close quickly as the room was lit up by the screen. With a groan, you reached over and grabbed the device, blindly clicking over the green button.

"Hello" you answered, yawning into your hand. Something ruffled on the other side, but just as you were about to hang up a voice answered, sounding gruff and tired.

"Get dressed" the deep voice said, causing you to pull the phone away and check the caller ID, it was Vincent.

"What the fuck are you talking about!?! It's two in the morning!" You silently yelled, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, the time staring up at you. Something slammed on the other side of the speaker, the sound of a car starting soon following, "Too late, I'm on the way, get dressed ya dork" he chuckled, ending the call abruptly. You sighed, tossing your phone to the foot of the bed, now wide awake.

"Asshole" you grumbled, standing up and stretching, the muscles in your back popping. What could he have planned at two in the morning, everyone is asleep and everything is closed.

Silently, you tiptoed across the floor, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt without waking up your parents. Your dad would flip his shit if he found you sneaking out your window at two in the morning with your best guy friend.

Just as you pulled on the sweatshirt, your phone went off, a text from Vincent. 'Look out your window' you jumped a little, eyeing the window suspiciously, then opening the curtains. There sat Vincent on your window sill, a huge grin on his face.

Your bedroom is upstairs, two stories up.

"What the fuck!!?!" You whisper yelled, opening the window to allow him inside, the cool air hitting your face. He only chuckled, then did the unexpected, he leaned backwards and fell. You gasped, running towards the window quickly, cursing loudly when you saw he had parked his car underneath your window with the sun roof open, his landing being cushioned by the back seats.

"You comin'?" He asked, smirking up at you as he climbed into to the drivers seat. The wind howled, cold air invading your warm room.

"How the hell am I supposed to get down there?" You asked quietly, not liking the look that crossed his face.

"Jump" he answered, holding out his hands, the car headlights illuminating his face. The scoff you made could probably be heard for miles, "No" you stated, giving him a poker face. He whined, "I'll catch you, cmon" he begged, now standing on the hood of his car, arms beckoning you to jump.

The images that passed through your mind were not pretty, mostly of you being a splat on the pavement below, there for you parents to clean up the next day.

"Trust me" he called, giving you a genuine smile, causing your nerves to ease slightly. Your brain was yelling no, but your heart was screaming yes.

"Fine" you gave in, swinging a leg out the window so you were straddling the sill, gulping at the drop. Vincent silently cheered you on, preparing himself to catch you.

Before all the doubts could invade your brain again, you jumped, letting out a squeal as the cool air enveloped your body. However, strong arms caught you, the smell of cologne signalling you were safe.

"Told you" Vincent cooed cockily, setting you down in the passengers side before plopping in the drivers seat. The adrenaline pumping in your veins kept you warm, breathing heavily.

Finally, after the car started and Vincent drove off, you could speak, "Please tell me where we are going at such an ungodly hour?" you asked, staring at the the road ahead. He stayed quiet, the smirk on his lips raising, obviously not going to tell you.

Vincent x Reader (Cute New Night Guard)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora